2024 Annual Goals Update

Figured we’re a little more than halfway through the year so I figured I’d check on my annual goals.

  1. Books. Well, I’m still reading a ton of trash, but I have managed a few real books. So I have Words of Radiance and Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. Myka and I are listening to them in the evenings while we craft. I also read the entire Court of Thorns and Roses series. So freaking good! I think I will attempt to craft the box set for the dollhouse. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was also fantastic. Looks like I need to search for some new genres! I want to read Spare so I think I’m going to see if I can find it at the library. Any other suggestions?
  2. Project Life. I’m doing better than expected on this one! I have the first 17 weeks done and that includes any additional inserts so I’m considering these pics scrapped as well. Really need to do some quick catch up!
  3. Scrapbooks. Honestly haven’t even looked at these and I’m ok with that.
  4. Home Projects. Well, we did manage to build some cubbies for shoe storage. It’s not quite what I was hoping for, but they are working!
  5. Monthly Theme. I did pretty good for the first 4 months, but then my long term sub job started and this project got set aside. Hoping to bring it back this fall!
  6. Hexagons. The quilt is stabilized and bound! I repeat, the quilt is stabilized and bound! Still loads of quilting to go, but I’m making some progress at least.
  7. Quilts. I did make some progress on the Log Cabin quilt. 🙂
  8. Game Night. So we’re not doing anything regular, but we have been having a fun time with some new board games.
  9. New Friends. Subbing definitely helped!
  10. Explore Maine. Hmm… New places include: Rockland/ Owl’s Head, Acadia, West Quoddy Lighthouse, Portland Children’s Museum, Moosehead Lake (Eclipse Trip!)… That’s actually not bad! I’m pretty impressed with myself.

2 Replies to “2024 Annual Goals Update”

  1. Oooh I love Sanderson!! And that series is my favorite!!! Also If by “trash” you mean “steamy romance” then you should absolutely read “The Kiss Quotient” by Helen Hoang…and actually all of her books are incredible, and check out Ali Hazelwood, who as a known fanfiction author, writes hilarious scientist/scientist romances. If you like sci-fi audiobooks “Project Hail Mary” is great (by the author of “The Martian”),

    I love your quilts, I hadn’t see the cryptozoo on instagram yet! I am also very curious to see the failed chocolate strawberry LOL.

    I miss you!! I am terrible at keeping in touch but I think about you a lot and I’m glad you’re enjoying Maine! <3

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