Simple pages today. We went to Abby’s preschool sing-a-long program. I cut out a few more trees from the same old scrap of patterned paper.
On the back I cut out a piece from the program.
Crafting and kids.
I’m back! The girls were very intent on their morning sticker project (thank you Target!) so I worked on December Daily at the kitchen island. Nice to have some group craft time. 🙂 First up, day 10.
On Saturday, I didn’t take very many pictures at all. Here’s one of Kate playing in the backyard while Michael worked on cleaning up. Santa told us to clean up the backyard before Christmas; I wonder what he has planned? 🙂 Michael and I went out on a fabulous date, but I deliberately chose not to bring the camera. Sometimes you just need to be present in the moment, know what I mean? It was glorious.
Since day 10 uses a transparency as a base, I thought I would show you what it looked like with day 11 in place as well. Have I mentioned that I love transparencies? Just a few times? lol.
Here’s the back of day 10. Just a piece of patterned paper to cover the back of the photo and a small journaling block. The journaling block has Christmas trees on the back that you can see through on the other side. <3
And then onto day 11! We went to see the Zilker Tree. I miss the Trail of Lights, but Kate was amazed at the tree. Her whole face lit up as we walked towards it.
I had a lot of fun playing with the bokeh. I considered correcting the color in these shots, but I kind of like that Kate has the color from the lights reflected in her face. Something different. That and when I tried to correct the white balance, it looked all wonky. Let’s just go with it being a deliberate choice, m’kay? Thanks. 🙂
Love these. 🙂
We also decorated gingerbread houses with Kate’s cousins, so I added another page to get in some more pictures. These are just simple collages taped back to back. I added a fabric tag for a little somethin’ somethin’.
And there you have it!
I took last night off from December Daily. I just wasn’t feeling inspired, know what I mean? I’m sure I’ll get caught up today or tomorrow. 🙂
We had a fun crafty playdate this morning, but sadly I took almost no pictures. Eh.
Another simple page as I had to work tonight. Added a bit of washi tape and some letter stickers and called it good. 🙂
We went shopping that evening and almost finished our Christmas shopping. Exciting! We also bought Kate the Little People nativity set and it was a huge hit. So glad we got it. After Kate went to bed, Michael and I started in on the wrapping while we watched Dexter.
This is another super simple page. I actually tried to use a little journaling sticker that I have from a million years ago, but the ink got all smudgy so I just wrote directly on the background paper.
I just realized that I forgot to ink the edges of these pages. Fear not, I shall do it tomorrow. On that note, I am somewhat shocked, but very happy, that I have managed to keep up this far! I’m 1/3 of the way through y’all!
We had a lot of fun on the 7th! First, Kate made this page for December Daily while I worked on day 6. I love having her do this project with me. 🙂
I just realized that this picture is sideways. Tilt your head a bit, okay? Thanks.
Here are some pictures of Kate doing stickers. I went ahead and put the number 7 on the back since I didn’t want to add anything to her page.
Then we made wrapping paper! It was so much fun. I just taped down some butcher paper and let Kate go to town with the paint. It made a huge mess, but at the end Kate turned to me with a huge smile and said, “Mama, I’m happy.”. ::melt::
I put the photos back to back with these pictures from us picking out our Christmas tree. There was some crap along the left side of the pictures, so I added some washi tape and some letter stickers. I think it turned out pretty cool.
This picture was my favorite.
And here’s the backside. I actually made this page on Sunday in preparation for whenever we got a tree. I cut strips of ribbon to make the tree and then stitched along the edges. I stitched another piece of paper to the back to hide the stitching. It was a lot of fun!
This is a huge long post and should probably have been done with the real camera/ my computer, but I’m tired so iPhone it is. 🙂 Michael and I pretty much finished our Christmas shopping tonight and we had a wrap-a-thon/ Dexter viewing tonight. Go us! 🙂
Kate decided that the baby du jour would be her octopus. She even buckled in his little tentacles. I thought that I might die from the cuteness. 🙂
I used some more washi tape. I lurve it. Seriously, it’s the bomb.
And here’s the back. The girls took out the tubs and crawled inside the cabinet. They thought it was *hilarious* and to be fair so did I.
The littles decided not to nap this afternoon so today’s page is a little plain (and an iPhone photo). Don’t judge me. 🙂
I made 2 collages and adhered them to another transparency. I typed the journaling directly onto the photo before I printed it as an experiment. I have to say that I’m not thrilled with how it turned out, but I deliberately take risks with December Daily so I’m not too bothered by it. I added a rubbon number 5 and called it a day.
All of the girls took great naps today ::bliss:: so I had time to work on day 4 this afternoon.
I scaled down 4 pictures to fit on one 4×6 photo and put 3 of them on the front of the page. We went over to see my grandparents on Sunday and Kate got a new ornament. Mimi was totally awesome about helping me stage a photo opp of Kate hanging the ornament on their tree. Thanks Mimi!
I matted the pictures on a strip of patterned paper and added a bit of ribbon. I found these chipboard glittery stars and I added a Thicker “4” and a title and called it a day. 🙂
The back is simple, just the remaining photo and a bit of journaling. Love keeping the backs simple.
I love that I’ve roped so many people into doing this with me! I can’t wait to see everyone’s books in person. 🙂