I’ll admit it, New Year’s Resolutions intimidate me. Committing to something for the whole year?!? Yikes. Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, I’m thinking January Resolutions. I do better with short term goals. 🙂 I’ve decided to set 12 goals for myself to accomplish within the month of January. (Michael thought that 12 was kind of arbitrary, but it’s 12 for 2012. He’s says I’m in trouble if I make it to 2060.) I’ll do an update post at the end of the month to see how I did. Maybe I’ll even go crazy and set some February goals. I’m not promising anything though. 🙂
1. Lose 4 pounds.

That’s a pound a week. Surely I can manage that. 🙂 Really I’m hoping for 6 pounds, but I like to set easy realistic goals for myself. I’ve been on the dieting bandwagon since late October and I’ve lost 17 pounds so far. I have a long way to go, but it’s a start! If you’re wondering about the okra, it’s my go to snack food now. Salty, crunchy and only 5 calories. Much better than chips.
2. Work out twice a week.

Obviously, I would like to work up to 3 times a week, but I need to start with some baby steps. 🙂 We finally got a TV (you can go ahead and welcome us to the 21st century) so I’m hoping to do some kind of workout video while Kate naps. We’ll see how long this lasts.
3. Update the blog 3 times a week.

And hopefully manage to keep my 1 week buffer. (And maybe clean my laptop. Yikes.)
4. Finish December Daily

I’m so close I can taste it! I only have 5 days to go. I would love to get this finished in the next week so I can put it away with our Christmas decorations.
5. Make 4 new Mama Crafts.

That’s one a week. Surely I can manage that. Ideas include new table clothes for our gorgeous new table, a new skirt, and getting started on Valentine’s Day crafts. I’m hosting a wee little party for our playgroup and I cannot wait!
6. Cook 2 dinners.

Michael’s a bit concerned about this goal as he does all of the cooing in our house and is a much better cook than me. I figure I can manage 2 dinners though, right? I mean, how hard can it be to follow a recipe? (Way hard, but I’m determined.)
7. Do 4 new Kate projects.

Kate loves projects and I would love to do some more with her. I always have good intentions, but then life gets in the way. I have one prepped (at least I’ve bought the ingredients) and I plan on doing 3 more of the eleventy-billion things I’ve already pinned.
8. 4 Date Nights.

This one might end up being the hardest since I work 4 nights a week. Still, I think I can make it happen, even if it’s means we’re just watching a movie at home. 🙂 Michael is awesome and always plans things like this, but I think I need to step up and plan some of my own.
9. Edit and Order December Pictures

Including pictures for Project Life. I’ll admit it, Project Life took a backseat to December Daily, but I did catch up on all of my journaling last night. Now I just need to find some pictures to go with each day. I also want to get all of the pictures I want to put in Kate’s regular scrapbook ordered.
10. Walk Ninja Daily

Our poor puppy. She loves walks more than anything and we have gotten bad about not taking her out. Family (or at least Mama and Ninja) walks need to happen every night.
11. Clean out The Pit My Bedroom.

I’ll spare you a picture. Let’s just say that it needs some serious organization help. Oh, and no matter how much weight I lose, I’m not going to start wearing old fraternity shirts or skanky club outfits. I need to cull the clothes in my closet.
12. Write Thank You Notes.

I’ll be honest, I’m a little embarrassed that I haven’t done this yet. OK, I’m a lot embarrassed. I think this might need to be today’s project.
All in all, I think that these are very attainable goals! I think I’ll start on those Thank You notes now. 🙂