Little Break

Hey guys.  Just wanted to let y’all know that I’m taking a week off from blogging.  I’m planning to take an exam to add a certification to my teaching credentials and I have to, like, you know, study.  Check back next Monday and I should have something up.  🙂

“Snow Day” activities

Y’all, I live in Texas.  Not Alaska!  We are not meant for cold weather and I kind of lose my mind a little when I can’t send Raptor outside to play.  I’m happy to report that this activity kept her happily occupied for an hour.  ::bliss::



By the way, I totally copied this from a friend.  I had Raptor lie (lay?) down on a piece of butcher paper and traced her.  Then I gave her some markers and stickers and let her have at it.  She was thrilled.

My initial plan was for us to create a town for either little cars or her my little ponies, but as soon as she saw the paper taped down she asked if we could make another outline.  Well, sure.  🙂


This is the third year we’ve been to this and it is just as cool every time!


It’s basically like walking into a giant multi-chambered bubble, which is to say AWESOME!


They play kind of trancy music and lots of people try to meditate.  Raptor tried her hand at some yoga.  Tree pose!



There are, how to describe them…  thin slits at the tops that let in colored light.  The different rooms are different colors.  It really is magical.



If you ever get the chance, you must go.  We did have to wait an hour and a half to get in, but the kids were happy to run around the grounds and play while we waited.



Project Life Week 27

Y’all, this is the third spread I’ve finished this week!  It must be some kind of record!  Since I just finished doing October Daily, I didn’t feel the need to tell a lot of “stories” with this spread.  In fact, RaptorDad questioned why I was even doing it for October.  The answer?  I’m waaaaaay too OCD to leave out a month.  🙂

Week 27 A blogSo I included the pictures that were still cute, but hadn’t made the cut for October Daily.  I also included zero journaling so this page came together super quick!  I’d love to knock out the rest of October this weekend, but I think we all know I’ll get bored soon.  😉

Week 27 B blog


Project Life Week 26

Week 26 A blogI didn’t have many pictures this week, but that just gave me a chance to use more of the cute filler cards.  I’m glad that I’m not so tied to the picture a day approach.  This is much easier.  Oh, and I’m not sure what happened with the font on the “You are my Sunshine” card.  I need to go back and change that.  lol.

Week 26 B blog


Scrapbooking Video with Crate Paper

I made a video y’all!!!  Actually, it would be more accurate to say that RaptorDad made a video.  🙂  It’s a short, stop motion video of me making a page.  It was actually a lot of fun!  What do you guys think?  Suggestions?  I would love some feedback!

Crate Paper


I’m really happy with how it turned out.  🙂

Crate Paper-2Supplies are from Crate Paper’s The Pier, along with some washi tape, enamel dots and ribbon.

Music by Gillicuddy on Free Music Archive…


October Daily Part 3

And here’s the rest of the project!  In case you missed it, here’s part 1 and part 2.

IMG_5148I love this spider web/ bat paper!

IMG_5150Blurry phone pic, but I love that I have a picture of Kate working on her October Daily!  She only got a page or 2 done, mostly because I fell down on printing pics for her.  Next year, I think I’ll just have her do a December Daily for the days that she’s on school break.  (So 2 weeks?)

IMG_5151So Kate wanted to be a “purple sparkly witch” this year.  Done!  🙂

IMG_5152Extra insert.

IMG_5153So I had to have minor surgery on the 24th, and my surgeon gave me some pics of the inside of my uterus.  I wasn’t really sure what to do with them, so my friend suggested putting them in a pocket.  Great idea!  Or creepy, you know.  Your milage may vary.  😉

IMG_5154I so rarely get a pic of Ninja where you can actually see her and she’s not blending into the background.  Love this one of her and Raptor!  Also love these thickers.  I broke down and used them even though they don’t fit the rest of the book’s color scheme.

IMG_5155Crazy ice cream girl.

IMG_5156Once again, crappy phone pics.  Honestly, I don’t mind crappy phone pics in a mini book.  Especially if it’s a story I want to tell.

IMG_5157You might be noticing a recurring swing theme.  Raptor loves to swing.  She seriously swings almost every day.

IMG_5158I liked this paper, especially the back side, but there were just too many colors that weren’t working in the context of the book.  I colored the yellow stripes with orange stickles and that helped.  It’s still a bit busy for me, but I think it’s ok.

IMG_5159Ninja sleeping on my crafting stuff.  She’s such a helpful dog.  lol.  Also, another insert.

IMG_5160Raptor gets more ice cream.  I’m noticing a theme.  lol.

IMG_5161This is the only page that I didn’t stick a number on, but this paper had the date on it, so I think it works.

IMG_5162I had lots of writing so I just stuck down a sticker and wrote around it.  I’m not sure how I feel about it.  I like the way it looks, but it’s a bit hard to read.  Thoughts?

IMG_5163And that’s the end!  I’m so glad I pushed through and finished this project.  🙂  Now time to knock out my December Daily!  Also, RaptorDad helped me make a time lapse video of me scrapping which I think turned out super neat.  I’m posting it on Monday.  🙂

October Daily Part 2

In case you missed the first installment, here you go. 🙂



We went down to Houston for the weekend to see my BFF and we took Raptor to the zoo.  She loved it!

IMG_5133She loved it and I took a *ton* of pics.  The pics on the right are actually 2 separate pages.

IMG_5134Another added page.  🙂

IMG_5135And after so many pics, I had none for the 12th.  It bugs me to leave a page blank, so I added this calendar card.  Incidentally, this is why I do better at projects like this when I keep up with them.  It reminds me to take pictures every day!

IMG_5136My mom took me to see Book of Mormon and it was amazing!  I cut out the cover of the program and included it.  I loved the B side of this paper, but this side was a bunch of cut apart sheets that you would use in a party invitation.  I liked that the program was large enough to cover most of that up so that what you were left with was more graphic.  At least, that’s the way I’m interpreting it.  🙂



Another little half page, this time with some ric rack.



I probably won’t make a 12×12 scrapbook page about the Book of Mormon, so it was nice to have some extra space for journaling.  On the right, you see that I had another page with no picture!  I’ve got to get better about this.



This is a super simple page.  You can kind of tell that I was starting to get burned out with the project.  lol.  It does have my fav washi tape EVER!  Which, by the way, I borrow from my scrapping buddy.  I keep plotting ways to steal it, but she’s on to me.


I love this picture of Raptor at story time.  She’s just so happy!  It’s super blurry, but I love it anyway.  This is why I love mini books.


Fun day at the park.  I colored on more wood veneers with stickles.  I do believe I’m going to have to buy a whole rainbow of these.



Love this ticket washi tape!  Who am I kidding, I love all washi tape!


I took a ton of pictures on the 19th at my nephew’s birthday party.  What can I say, the lighting was beautiful!



And, hello!  Pouting ninja turtle?  Must include the pics!


And of course the piñata.  <– How cool is that.  Auto correct knows how to do the ñ!


And that wraps up this installment.  I’ll be back on Friday with the last 3rd of the book.  I’d love to hear what y’all think!



October Daily Part 1

I finally finished!  This book took forever this year, but I’m glad that I pushed through and finished.  I’m breaking it up into 3 posts, with 10 days each.

IMG_5164For this book, each day has 1 6×6 page, front and back.  Some days I had more pictures so I added additional inserts.  These were all smaller than 6×6 so that it was easier to tell when one day ended and another began.  Most of the supplies are Apothecary from 2012 and 2013.  There’s also a bit of October Afternoon 2012.  If you have any specific questions about supplies or anything else, leave a comment and I’ll answer.  🙂

IMG_5113I put stickles in the middle of the flowers instead of messing with brads.  Since I just use the back of the double sided paper for the next page, I don’t like to use brads.

IMG_5114Here you can see, I had a longer journaling story so I added an insert.

IMG_5115Loved writing directly on the photo.  I think I want to do this more.  I also loved “coloring” the wood veneers with the stickles.

IMG_5116We had so much fun at the Children’s Museum that I added 2 inserts.  🙂

IMG_5118Love the star border punch.

IMG_5119I wish I had more of this spider web transparency!  I had one 6×6 piece left over from last year’s October Daily.

IMG_5120Note to self:  Next time buy more than 1 sheet.

IMG_5122You do have to be mindful of covering the backs of the photos.

IMG_5123Bad phone pic, but I just love that I have a pic of Raptor scrapping with me.  🙂

IMG_5124Another insert.  I found a haunted gingerbread kit at Joannes.

IMG_5125Playing with shaving cream in the water table.  Why yes, we do live in Texas.  🙂

IMG_5126I didn’t have a pic for this day, so I took a screen shot of a facebook thread.  I like to occasionally include things like this because I think it’ll be neat for Raptor to see what technology was like back in the day.

IMG_5128Another day I didn’t have a pic for, so I snapped a pic of this DVD case after the fact.  We had been avoiding Princess movies, so it was a bit of a big deal when we finally caved.

IMG_5129Here’s a pic of Raptor getting her first eye exam!  We were waiting for her eyes to dilate so I snapped a quick phone pic.  I also colored some more wood veneers with stickles.

IMG_5131I’ll post days 11-20 on Wednesday!  🙂