It hit me the other day that I’m going to have TWO babies very soon! I’ve been kicking the baby prep into high gear. 🙂
I got all of the newborn cloth diapers prepped and ready to go. 🙂 I’m super excited. This time, we’re using Kissaluvs Size 0 with covers and y’all, they are the cutest softest diapers ever. I have 30 which is going to be cutting it a little close with 2 babies, but I’m thinking if I wash every day we will be fine. Plus, I have a few prefolds that we can use in a pinch.
They’re so tiny! I wanted these diapers so bad when Raptor was a baby, but we ended up just waiting 2 weeks until her cord fell off and then putting her in Bum Genius All-In-Ones in a size small. They worked, but they practically came up to her armpits. lol. Since the twins are likely to be smaller, I figured we’d get enough wear out of these to justify the cost. They go up to 15 pounds so I figure we will probably get several months out of them.
And the covers. OMG y’all. So stinking cute. I had to restrain myself from buying more. Look at those little coordinating fox ones! I have 7 covers which I think will be plenty. We’re going with Rumparoos covers on the recommendation of a friend and the quality seems great.
Am I crazy for planning to cloth diaper twins? I don’t think so! After all, it’s not like it’s any more laundry than I was dealing with with 1 baby. I’ll keep you guys posted.
And the sweet baby clothes! I may have bought just a few too many given the fact that we have boxes and boxes of hand me downs, but check this out! I think we all know that I’m a sucker for Gymboree, especially when I realized that they had coordinating boy/girl lines. ::dies:: My big delima now is how to hang them up. Coordinating pairs together? Or half the closet with girl clothes and half with boy clothes. Thoughts?
I’m hoping to get back to the craftiness soon, in fact I finished up September of 2013 in Raptor’s scrapbook this morning. I’m having a very hard time narrowing down the number of layouts for October though. So many cute pictures. Since they’re all already in October Daily and Project Life, I’m trying to be brutal, but it’s so hard!