Tadpole Release

Waaaaaaaay back in October I got suckered into taking some frog eggs.  Raptor’s Girl Scout troop (which is the best troop evah!)  decided to earn one of their petals by rescuing some frog eggs, raising them into frogs, and then releasing them.  For some reason I assumed this would take about 2 weeks.  hahahahahaha.  More like 3 months.  It was pretty cool watching them transform but, no lie, I was ready for them to go.  Despite RaptorDad changing their water on the regular, they stunk.  So when the first of the 4 surviving tadpoles turned in to a froglet, I started planning their release back into the wild.  On Friday, his tail was gone and he tried to hop out of his home.  They were getting the boot.  lol.


What about the other 3 poor tadpoles?  Two had back legs and the buds of front legs.  One was some kind a mutant tiny tadpole that never really developed at all.  We made the executive decision to let them all go at the same time.


Kate was not 100% on board with this plan.  She had gotten a bit attached and wanted to keep them, but one geriatric dog is already bordering on more pet than I can handle so I convinced her that they would be happier in their new home.


Bye bye froggie!  (Don’t worry, the jar was just for transport.  They had a much bigger tub at home.)  We went to a creek that has a shallow bit that I knew Kate would be able to walk out into for the release.  I also figured that shallow water meant less predators?  They didn’t get eaten in front of us so I’m counting that as a win.


Mia was soooooooo over the whole tadpole thing.  She is loving the whole baby wearing thing though.  😉


December Daily 2015

So…  I have always, always, always wanted to join a scrapbook kit club.  I never have though because they’re pricey and because I’m pretty picky about what I like.  But now that all of our local stores have closed I’ve been kind of blah.  I was having a really hard time picking a collection for my December Daily this year, but then I got an email that would change my life.  (And yes, I’m being waaaaaay overly dramatic.  lol.)  Ali Edwards was putting her past December Daily kits on clearance!!!  Needless to say I ordered both immediately.  I was so excited when I got them that I cranked out December Daily 2014 in less that a week.  Side note:  I was going to post pics of it, but it got packed away with the Christmas decorations.  Whoops.  Never fear, I’ve been making some progress on this year’s December Daily too so I can post some pics of it.  And I’ve already found some Christmas crap that missed the boxes so if there’s interest I can get it out when I put that stuff away.  🙂


I used an October Daily album that I painted white.  I then added the ribbon tape, letters, and rubber charm from the kit.


The October Afternoon page protectors are a bit big (which is irritating) but I’m making it work.  Last year (2013), I backed each page with paper from 12×12 sheets which looked great but took forever and used a ton of product.  This year, I started off stitching the pages in place and embracing the transparent elements.  I’m loving it so far.  Everything on this page, aside from the thread and the small red number stickers, is from the kit.


And on to day 1!  Top left is a pocket that I stitched closed filled with sequins from my stash (love these doodlebug sequins!) and some acetate shapes from the kit.  Top left has a card that I stamped on with the stamps from the kit and a wooden number 1 from the kit.  I’m planning to use these wooden numbers throughout the entire album to add some consistency.  And the bottom on has a pic from our Christmas card photo shoot that I stitched in place.  Then I added some trim (I glued 2 pieces back to back so it looked nice on the others side) and then stapled it in place with my tiny attacher.


Day 2 is on the back of Day 1.  The top right pocket is a cute 3×4 card from the kit.  I talked about our elf, Christopher.  Kate loves him so much that she made and furnished a house for him.  Today she left him a him a bingo game (that she also made) before she went to school.  <3  Obviously that pic made it in the bottom pocket.  I always do the front and back (so days 1 and 2) at the same time since I’m leaving a transparent element on each page.  Plus I’m stitching stuff in place.

That’s as far as I got until after Christmas.  What can I say, this month has been crazy.  But then I got this fuse tool for Christmas and my mojo returned.  It’s amazing!  In fact, I considered redoing the earlier pages with the fuse instead of stitching, but I’m not crazy.  😉  For day 3, I “fused” some sequins and a photo in the top left pocket.  Basically I turned it in to 3 pockets and sealed the top.  For the top right, I stuck the photo on a card then added some journaling and a wooden 3.  For the bottom pocket, I added some die cuts and stickers from my stash and just accepted that the photo was a bit small.  You can see some more blue trim peaking out from a future page.

The fuse has a bit of a learning curve, but I’m just embracing imperfection and going with it.  Oh, and speaking of kits and the fuse tool…  Why yes.  I will be starting a new Project Life even though my current Project Life is only half done.  In an effort to stay inspired (and just because I’ve wanted to for about 10 years) I’m actually subscribing to the Studio Calico Project Life kit club for 6 months.  It’s a big investment for me (I’m going to use my Christmas money) and I doubt I’ll be able to continue it once my subscription is up, but I’m hoping it jump starts my creativity and encourages me to finish 2015 while staying current with 2016.  Fingers crossed!

January Goals!

Oh my.  I can’t believe that I didn’t write a single blog post in November or December.  Actually, I can.  😉  The babies haven’t been sleeping great (understatement lol) so we’ve just been on survival mode.  But those of you who have been readers for a while know that I can’t resist a good goals post, especially on New Year’s!  You guys also might remember that I don’t generally do year long goals.  I just find them too ambitious and easy to quit.  Now a month long goal?  Who can’t commit to doing something for 31 days?  (Spoiler alert: me.  lol.  But I’m going to try to do better this year.)  With that in mind, here are my goals for January.  With some cute pics from a little photoshoot I did for our Christmas cards sprinkled in.  Don’t worry, Xander didn’t manage to crawl off the bridge.

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1.  Write Thank You notes.  I’ll actually try to tackle this one this weekend because I hate to have them hanging over my head.  The big question this year is if I can include the babies thank yous in the same note as mine…  (Kate does her own.)
2.  Blog!!!  Oh my.  I realize that this is a goal pretty much every month.  The reason being twofold.  One, I actually enjoy the writing aspect of keeping a blog.  Plus I hope that one day I might have an actual following.  Two, keeping up with the blog forces me to actually do something creative so that I have something to put on the blog!  And my mental health is soooooooo much better when I’m taking regular time to be creative.
3.  Meal Plan/ Grocery Shop.  This should be interesting.  I got a fancy shopping cart cover for Christmas and I was so excited to try it out that I took all 3 kids to the grocery store.  Well, we made it out alive, with groceries even, and Xander only broke one giant glass jar of preserved peppers so I guess I’m counting it as a win.  Still, I think I need to think of some new strategies for next week.  (Ones that don’t involve instacart as tempting as that may be.  lol.)  Suggestions?

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4.  Dinner Prep.  I’d like to start making dinner at least 3 times a week.  The ultimate goal will be to find recipes that I can prep in the morning or during naptime.  So heavy focus on crock pot and things that can be assembled and then baked later.  I got some awesome new baking dishes for Christmas so I feel like this is feasible now.  Trying to cook (or having RaptorDad cook) at 5:00 when RaptorDad gets home is a disaster.  The babies are just d.o.n.e.  I feel like if we can eliminate the need to deal with dinner we can have some quality family time.
5.  Which brings me to goal number 5.  I would like to make a daily walk part of my routine with the babies.  I’m thinking in the morning?  But a family walk might be nice too if I can get the dinner thing situated.  Maybe both!  At a minimum, I want to take the babies for a walk every “work day.”  We went yesterday and today and it was lovely.
6.  On to the crafty goals!   First up is that I want to complete 2015 December Daily.  If you follow me on instagram (did I post this?) you might know that I splurged and ordered 2 back kits from Ali Edwards when they went on super sale.  OMG.  I’ve never had a kit before and I had no idea how much fun they could be!  It actually inspired me to go back and do a December Daily for 2014.  I think I’ll blog it this month.  Also, I’m considering buying a Project Life kit or 2 with some of my Christmas money.  I’m currently trying to decide between the Studio Calico one and the Hip Kit one…

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7. Speaking of Project Life, I want to do 6 layouts.  3 from January 2016 and 3 as a catch up for 2015.  What about 2014 you ask?  Blah.  It’s digital and I’m over it.  I have the notes and I’m sure I’ll go back and do it eventually, but Photoshop and I are not currently on speaking terms after a bit of a failed Christmas present.
8. Scrapbook December 2014.  If I can knock this out, I’ll be done with another album!  I love finishing up a whole album.  🙂
9. Scrapbook current layouts.  I like to at least try to do some layouts in the moment before I forget the details!  So I’d like to knock out a few from this fall even as I work on bridging the gap to the babies’ births.
10. Take (and edit!) pics of the babies at least once a week with my “real” camera.

Layered Embellishment Clusters

Here’s another layout I put together last week with Kate’s assistance.

File Oct 27, 10 35 23 AM

I’m actually quite pleased with the embellishment clusters!  I don’t love the title, but it was Kate’s main contribution so I’m keeping it.  🙂

I should be getting a new box of goodies today!  Tracking shows it’s out for delivery.  🙂  It’s mainly stuff for December Daily and I’m excited to get it and start playing.  Especially after missing last year.

Scrapping with Kate

Kate wanted to scrap with me this weekend (be still my heart!) so we made this page of her doing story time for the twins.  Usually she wants to make her own pages, but I think she’s discovering that I don’t always share the coolest supplies with her.  Whoops.  😉  She decided that we should make this page together.

File Oct 20, 10 29 00 AM

She was super excited when I let her do some journaling ::gasp:: on the page with one of my pens!  She also took her time and used her very best penmanship.  I love that I have a snippet of her voice and her handwriting in my scrapbook!  I’m going to make a point to have her do some project life cards too.  🙂

I have 2 Six Month Olds!

The babies are 6 months old!  How did that happen?!?  We started solids today (actually a week ago, I’ve been slacking a bit on the blog) which was super exciting.  We started with avocado because it’s soft and nutritionally dense.  With Kate, we did Baby Led Weaning (here’s a book if you’re interested) and we loved it.  Basically, you skip purees entirely and just let the kids eat real food.  Xander was all for it!


Kate was all about helping.  Don’t worry, she didn’t actually shove food in his mouth.  lol.


I love his expression in this one.  He’s like, “Why did I just put that in my mouth?!?” 3 seconds later, “OMG, give me more!”  Do all babies react to solids like this or is it just my kids?


Mia was more of a challenge.  We didn’t want to spoon feed her, but she wasn’t quite ready for BLW either.  After discussing it ad naseum with her occupational therapist, her speech therapist, and her nutritionist (wow, that was crazy to type out) we decided to do kind of a hybrid approach.  Our goals are to explore food and have fun, we’re not bothered about them actually ingesting anything, which makes it easier.


Our speech therapist suggested using her chewy stick (it’s like a therapy teether) sort of like a spoon.  We also loosely mashed up her avocado instead of giving her big chunks, but we didn’t puree it.  Since it’s not smooth, we’re hoping to avoid texture aversions later.


We’re also following her lead as far as when she wants more and when she wants the chewy in her mouth.  It’s a lot more work than straight BLW (which is like the lazy parent version of solids and I love) but we feel like she’s still getting a few of the benefits without being so worried about her choking.

Incidentally, I freaking love our high chairs.  They’re pricey, but we were lucky enough to have received both as gifts.  One we still have from when Kate was a baby.  We didn’t think we’d be able to have more kids, but I just couldn’t bring myself to part with it because I loved it so much!  And after seeing daily use for almost 3 years, it still looks almost new.


Pink and Gold Obsession

It’s no secret that pink is my favorite color, but gold?  I resisted that trend for a long time.  I finally gave in and I’m kicking myself for waiting so long.  Pink and Gold 4 Lyfe!

pink gold

I did some pink stars with a bit of texture medium and then  sprayed some hearts using my heart stencil and some Heidi Shine.

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It was subtle, but I like the way it turned out.  The cardstock is actually teal, not sure what’s up with the color in this pic.  That’ll teach me to try to be all fancy and use my real camera!

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Also loving the vellum with gold!  And the gold washi!  And my adorable cousins.  🙂

October Goals

Let’s see how we did with the September goals, shall we?  🙂

  1.  Scrapbook October- Done!  In fact, I love my new Crate Paper goodies so much that I was wishing I had more pics from last October to play with.  Luckily it’s October again so I’ll have new pics to play with soon!
  2. Scrapbook May 2015- Also done!  I love scrapping more current pics.  🙂
  3. Project Life- Well, I did 5/6 layouts, so I didn’t make much forward progress, but I didn’t fall further behind either.  I’m counting this one in the win column.
  4. Blog- I fell down a bit on the blogging last month.  Things have just been so crazy around here!  I’ve decided just to give in and start posting iPhone pics of my layouts.  The quality isn’t as good, but the reality is that I have limited time and I’d rather scrap than edit photos of layouts.  lol.  At least I have a plan moving forward.
  5. Register for the Buddy Walk- Done!  In fact we have a team and everything.  We might even get shirts.  🙂
  6. Reframe DAD pics- Not yet, but I bought the frames so that’s a step in the right direction.
  7. Decorate for Halloween- Done!  I <3 decorating for Halloween.  🙂
  8. Decide on Halloween costumes- still working on this one.  I’m pretty sure the babies are going to be bats, but I need Kate to commit to being a witch first.  She has until Wednesday to decide!
  9. Finish cross stitch project- If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I got a lot closer to finishing this than I thought I would!  Still, not quite done yet.  It’s being put on hold while I focus on Xander’s stocking.
  10. Layout list for August- Done!  It’s almost all iPhone pics.  Need to bust out the real camera this month!

Photo Oct 02, 9 37 19 AM (1)

Look at my adorable babies!  I took this pic on Friday and I had to scrap it right away.

Photo Oct 03, 11 09 50 AM

I used my stencil to make the hearts, and then I did some splatters with my gold Heidi Shine.  I matted the pic with what might be my last piece of my favorite paper from the October Afternoon Witch Hazel line.  Then I added in a bunch of pieces from the Crate Paper After Dark ephemera pack, a bit of washi from Target and some sequins.  I love it!  And I just uploaded some more pics from this weekend to play with.  I might end up staying caught up with October.  lol.

Speaking of staying caught up, I need to set some October goals.

  1. Scrap June 2015
  2. Find a Christmas line I like
  3. Scrap December 2014
  4. Scrap January 2015
  5. Layout list for September 2015
  6. Project Life
  7. Xander’s Stocking
  8. Twins’ Halloween costumes
  9. Kate’s Halloween costume
  10. Blog

4th of July Scrapbook Page

This was an exercise in using up scraps!  I haven’t loved a 4th of July line in quite some time and I’m not *generally* in the habit of buying lines that I’m meh about.  There’s too much that I love!  All this to say, I’m down to a few piddly scraps.  Still, I’m happy with how this turned out.

Photo Sep 29, 11 27 35 AM

I didn’t have any big pieces of paper left so I matted the pics individually.  The heart paper is two separate strips so I just put that little target where they joined.  And of course, I started off with some texture medium and a stencil!  i finished it with some Thickers (I cut the TH down) and a few sequins.  Only 4 more layouts and I’m done with June!  Still need to go back and do December – March though.  lol.

Halloween Goodies!

Y’all.  I freaking love Halloween.  In fact, I *may* have pulled out all of my Halloween decorations on September 1st.  lol.  Imagine how excited I was when this arrived:

Photo Sep 19, 1 44 02 PM

Why yes, that is pretty much the entire Crate Paper Halloween line.  I haven’t been this excited about a collection since The Pier!  I don’t usually devote a whole layout to our pumpkins, but this particular year we announced our twin pregnancy this way so I had to include it.  🙂

Photo Sep 20, 11 14 23 AM

Sorry, you’re getting it as an iPhone pic.  Xander has stopped sleeping.  Again.  Good thing he’s cute!  First up, the bat stencil!  OMG I love it so much.  Then I used up some of my old October Afternoon Witch Hazel.  I wish I had bought more of it years ago!  I added some of my new doilies and a few stickers.

Photo Sep 20, 11 16 00 AM

I was loving all of the glitter so I decided to edge the wood veneer bats and pumpkin with some stickles and I love how it turned out.  Then I thought it just needed a little something more so I added the ric rack with my handy dandy tiny attacher.

I only had a few layouts to do for October 2014 because I was so sick last year which was a bummer because I’m having so much fun with these supplies!  No worries.  I plan to take a ton of pics this year.  🙂