I haven’t blogged in so long it’s disgraceful. No more! I’m starting December Daily tomorrow (um, I guess technically today as it’s after midnight) and my goal is to post my pictures every day. Anyone want to place bets on the likelihood of that happening? lol.
My plan is to take pictures during the day and then upload, edit and print them after Kate has gone to bed/ I’m done working for the night. I’ll then make the page the next day either during Kate’s nap time or during Kate and Mama craft time if she’s wants to play. Last year Kate made 2 of our December Daily pages and they are some of my favorites!

That’s last year’s on the left and, as you can see, it ended up being quite a thick book. I went ahead and cut down all of my old Christmas paper to 6 inches by 6 inches as that’s the size book I ended up going with and bought an acrylic album that I’ll use for the covers and probably 2 or 3 other internal pages. That’s what’s stacked up on the right. I love the 6×6 size because it’s manageable, plus you can get 4 pages from a single 12×12 sheet of paper. I’m cheap y’all.
Michael works from home in our office/ art/ craft room so I will be doing December Daily at the kitchen table. To facilitate that, I went ahead and pulled all of my old Christmas paper and embellishments, plus anything else in the red/ green/ blue color family that I thought might be fun to play with. The goal is not to have to go rooting through the office 15 times a day while Michael is trying to work.

Here’s a random assortment of goodies I’ll be incorporating into the book. I can’t wait to use the washi tape! (It’s like printed masking tape. I don’t know why it’s so awesome, but it is!!!)

I also cleaned out my pink tote thing and so it just has tools and goodies for this project. Hopefully I can keep this project at least somewhat contained since it’s in our kitchen. 🙂
The plan for tomorrow today is to take lots of pictures and make the front and back covers. And yes, I’m still doing Project Life. I’m a bit behind, but I plan on keeping up with both for the month of December. And yes, I’m a little bit crazy. It’s all good. 🙂