Um, this thing is the bomb! Â I <3 it. Â My friend Stacy gave it to me for my birthday, along with the cookbook, storage case and extra popsicle sticks. Â Basically, you leave it in your freezer for at least 24 hours and then it can make popsicles in 10 minutes. Â Since it freezes so quickly, you can make really cool designs and stuff too. Â Check it out.
We sliced some strawberries very thinly and stuck them to the sides of the mold. Â Since the mold is so cold, they stick to the side almost immediately. Â Then we poured in some limeade. Â That’s really all there is too it! Â The popsicles were very easy to get out of the mold.

Kate approves. Â Note the drip guard. Â Genius.

Then we decided to try some fancy ones. Â We put some limeade in and waited a few minutes for the outside to freeze. Â Before the inside could freeze, Michael sucked it up with a straw and then poured in some cranberry juice. Â Awesome!

Then we decided to try some sangria ones. Â We stuck some more strawberries to the sides and then alternated wine and limeade layers. Â Why yes, that is a baby medicine syringe. Â It worked great.
We were too impatient and didn’t wait long enough in between layers so there were no stripes, but the wine did freeze!

I have to tell you, I had really high hopes for this wine popsicle. Â Meh. Â I think wine is not meant to be frozen. Â The rest of them were fantastic though. Â Michael even made one with iced coffee. Â I love that I can buy organic juice with no HFCS and make my own popsicles. Â I love that I can add real fruit to them. Â I love that Kate can help and actually see them freeze because it’s so fast. Â Two thumbs *way* up.
I also may have just ordered the tool kit and the character kit.  They’ll be here this weekend.  🙂  I managed to restrain myself from upgrading the shipping so they would be here tomorrow, but it was a near thing.  Luckily we get 2 day shipping with Amazon Prime.  🙂