I set some lofty goals last month, so I figured it was time to check in and see how I did. 🙂 Just to remind you, my goals were to edit/ upload pictures for March and April and to finish scrapping November and December. Barring some amazing burst of picture editing energy, I’m unlikely to meet that first goal though I did get March uploaded. I even got most of March printed! As for my scrapping goal, I surpassed it! I’m only 3 layouts shy of being caught up through the end of February! To be fair, I had a lot of these done before the month started, I was just finishing them up.
Let’s see, I should probably set some goals for this month too. It helps me make better use of my precious preschool time. 🙂 Hmm… How about scrapping March and April? That’s pretty ambitious considering that I have nothing scrapped and I don’t even have pictures edited/ printed for April, but it’s possible, right? lol. Oh, so let’s throw in editing/ printing April and May.
Other things on my crafty to do list include:
Making Kate’s Halloween costume. I bought 12 yards of tulle yesterday. I’m not convinced it’ll be enough.
Knitting projects. I have 2 things in the works for gifts. Sadly, they’re both “due” next weekend and I’n not sure I can knit that fast. Maybe I should pick one and focus on it. 🙂
Halloween party! Well, playgroup. lol. I want to DIY some decorations and stuff.
And because I couldn’t leave you without a picture, we went to the most awesome playdate yesterday! It was a “mud” playdate, but Kate preferred the shaving cream. I might have to buy some of this to play with at home. 🙂

She also make a carwash for the kids to play in. So super cool.

That cozy coupe has never been so clean. 🙂
ETA: I just powered through and edited/ uploaded all of April! And all of my Project Life pictures going back to the end of February! This order is going to cost a small fortune. lol.