Love this page. I don’t usually put phone photos on my traditional pages, but these were just too cute not to!
I kind of think it needs a little something in the bottom corner, but I can’t figure out what. Papers are October Afternoon’s Midway.
Crafting and kids.
I skipped the title card again this week in favor of another picture. I’m liking mixing them in like this. I kept this one pretty simple since I’m still playing catch up. I’m almost caught up though!
Oh, and mad props to my sister-in-law who made Raptor’s cake. Not only was it *gorgeous* it was organic and egg/ nut free. I highly recommend her if you’re looking for a cake in the Austin area. 🙂
I’m having so much fun with my papers from The Pier that I’ve resorted to editing and printing current pictures at home! In fact, I scrapped these the same week that they were taken. What can I say, I’m just not motivated to scrap Christmas pictures when it’s so hot outside! 🙂
I found some old paper when I was cleaning out my desk (I’m pretty sure it’s Making Memories?) and the colors were perfect so I threw them in the drawer with this collection. I really like how it changes up the look. I’ll be honest, I bought a ton of this stuff and I don’t want every page from this summer to look the same. 🙂
So, I decided to cheat and reuse all of my Valentine’s Day stuff this week. I’m so glad I did!
I have all of the trays and crafts in the same box as our party decorations so I went ahead and put some of them up too. Raptor is beyond thrilled.
Here is our counting work. I’m not entirely sure that we have all 60 counters anymore, but since this is aimed for for E and we’re working on 1-5, I think we’ll be fine.
I also pulled out our uppercase/ lowercase letter magnets. I might just work with E on putting them in order, but if they want to play with them as magnets I’ll get out a cookie sheet.
I threw in the puffs last week almost as an afterthought, but they were a big hit with all 3 girls! I couldn’t find my heart ice cube tray, so I just used a muffin tin.
For math, I wrote out several problems and put them in a tin with a bunch of foam heart stickers. I’m thinking they can stick the hearts to the paper to count with.
Basic craft with some stamps. I’ll throw in the safety scissors when I find them.
I imagine this will actually be the biggest hit. We got Raptor some new playdoh and I pulled out our party table cloth in hopes of containing some of the mess. I’m so excited for this week! I had forgotten how much fun it is to do a holiday theme. There’s just so much fun stuff to work with. 🙂 We’ll be working on this for for 2 weeks I’m sure.
I love Valentine’s Day and I freely admit that I bought waaaay too much Valentine’s Day paper back in January thinking that Raptor and I would do lots of fun picture worthy things for the holiday. Then RaptorDad got sick and I just didn’t take that many pictures in February. I’ll be set for next year!
The pictures aren’t great. What can I say, Raptor and I were having too much fun at her party to take many. 🙂 I scrapped them anyway because I they make me happy. I love this line from Imaginisce. The hexagons are precious! I think this line is too cute to pack up until next year. You just might see it on some non-Valentine’s Day layouts. 🙂
Initially, I inked the edges of the hearts like I did with the paper layers. It looked a bit off though so I left them plain. I think it looks better this way.
I deliberately left off any journaling. Her party ended up being perfect, but there was quite a bit of upset in the days leading up to it which I didn’t feel like really had a place in her scrapbook. I have the less pleasant aspects of the story in Project Life and that’s quite enough for me. I like to keep her book positive.
We went on vacation this weekend so I decided to devote the entire right hand page to that. 🙂
I had such a hard time narrowing down the photos that RaptorDad suggested I use a photo instead of a title card. I think I like it. 🙂
I modified the template so I could add more pictures. One of the things that I love most about going digital for Project Life is that I can make changes to the template like this without it affecting the next week’s layout.
Today, my baby turns 4. FOUR! I’ll try to avoid getting all sobby and introspective here on the blog. 🙂 I have a tradition for her birthday pictures. When she turned 1, she had 1 smash cake. When she turned 2, she had 2 balloons. When she turned 3, she had 3 scoops of ice cream. I’m having a harder time finding 4 of something.
I had the idea of her underwater holding 4 rings, but getting good pictures underwater is such a crap shoot. At least with my camera and unwillingness to open my eyes underwater. lol.
I’ve been thinking of taking her to this crazy candy store in South Austin and giving her 4 of those big lollipops, but we just haven’t made it down there. We passed by a little candy store and I gave it a shot, but they didn’t have the big multicolored lollipops and they mostly had chocolate. While I’m sure it’s all delicious, it wasn’t the colorful backdrop I was going for. I’m going to keep brainstorming this week.
In other news, June is over! Let’s see how the goals faired.
1. 30 layouts in June. Well, I did 10. While it may not be 1 a day, it’s still pretty impressive for me. I’m loving all of the layouts I’m getting done.
2. Elephant, Frog, Garden, and Heart Letter a Week units prepped and blogged. I got 3 of the 4 up on the blog, and most of the Heart stuff is done since I’m reusing all of the Valentine’s Day stuff. We’re going to be out of town for most of the week so we’re going to stick with G is for Garden until next Monday.
3. Edit pics for February, March, April, and May. This one was down to the wire! I had a free shipping code for Persnickety Prints that expired on the 30th. At about 2:00 on the 29th, I remembered this. Yikes! I spent the whole afternoon/ evening editing (thus no new page to put up) and then RaptorDad gave up a large chunk of his time to get them all uploaded and ordered. I can’t wait to get them in. In addition to really wanting to have some summer pictures to scrap, I should be able to finish last years Project Life!
4. Photos ordered. Done and done. See 3.
5. 4 new Digital Project Life layouts. Done, although I am still behind. I need to just make some simpler ones for a few weeks so I can catch up. I feel like I get more of the story told when I dealing with the current week. Side note, it was much easier to order pictures to scrap when all of the photos were already organized, culled, and edited! Loving the new work flow.
6. 2 new recipes. I actually tried 3! Including roasting a whole chicken and then making stock! I might have to take some pictures and write a blog post for that one next time I do it.