Mia Updates

Oh, my sweet Mia.  We’ve had lots of appointments in the last few weeks so lots of updates!  Mia went to see the eye dr and the results were mixed.  Structurally her eyes are fine which is fantastic news, but she is borderline for needing glasses.  Since she’s making great eye contact (girl friend will make eye contact for days) her dr wants to hold off on glasses for now.  We’ll revisit that next year at her next appointment.  I’m already shopping for cute frames.  Rest assured, Mia will be absolutely adorable in glasses.


Mia says, “Why did you let them dilate my eyes!” ::shakes tiny fist::

We also had a repeat visit to the cardiologist and everything is looking fantastic.  She does sill have a partially fused aortic valve, but it doesn’t seem to be negatively impacting her at this time.  Most likely she’ll need a valve replacement, but not until she’s like 40 years old.  I’m officially not worrying about things that are 40 years in the future.  Y’all, I have bigger fish to fry.  😉  You should have seen us trying to get the heart ultrasound done.  Little miss wiggle worm didn’t want to keep still so the ultrasound tech finally suggested that I get up on the table and nurse her during the scan.  I had to channel my inner contortionist, but we got it done.  lol.  Thankfully my dad was there to help wrangle Xander.  I don’t know what I would do if we didn’t have family close by!  Probably lose my mind.



We let them have some mom-sickles (frozen milk in a mesh feeder).  Minds=blown

Then the biggie, Mia had a repeat MRI of her brain last Wednesday.  We were supposed to see the neurosurgeon immediately after the MRI, but the had to reschedule because he was stuck in surgery.  We went ahead and got the MRI done and scheduled the dr appointment for this Wednesday (tomorrow.)  I wasn’t even worried about it.  Mistake number 1.  Always worry about everything.

Well, my mom and I were waiting at the pediatrician’s office for the babies to get their shots when the neurosurgery office called.  Uh oh.  Apparently the MRI showed that her ventricles had grown which is not good.  They wanted to know if she was showing any symptoms  that would indicate that we needed to be seen sooner than out appointment the following week.  Cur panicking.  Especially when we consider that they symptoms are throwing up (um…  she’s not having Xander level exorcism pukes, but she does spit up.  And it has gotten worse, but her occupational therapist attributes this to her working her abs more.)  and being fussy (first off, she’s the most chill baby ever so I’m not sure that waiting for her to fuss is the answer.  Second, she is fussing a wee bit more, but it seems like she fussing because she’s demanding more attention, not because she has a headache.  Wanting attention seems like a good thing neurologically.) To recap, she had her first MRI in April and they were on the large side but ok.  Then her second MRI in June showed that they were larger, but still ok.  It would have been better for there to have been no growth, but this wasn’t alarming.  I don’t know what this MRI is showing exactly, but I can’t help but think we might be back in the range of needing a shunt.

Since we were already at the pediatrician’s office, I may have demanded that a dr or nurse practitioner come look at her before she got her shots.  The consensus was that her fontanelle (soft spot) was “full but not bulging” so we should be good to wait a week.  While I didn’t love hearing that it was full, at least it wasn’t bulging.  The nurse practitioner also really pushed the shots so we went ahead and got them.  Now I’m kind of wishing we hadn’t only because she was fussier than usual this weekend, but that’s most likely due to the shots.  Of course, we’re supposed to be on the lookout for fussiness.  ::sigh::  If it’s not one thing it’s another.



She and Xander loved the Thinkery!

In other news, she’s doing great in therapy.  We just put some kinesiology tape on her this week to help stimulate her to activate her core.  I was resistant to this for a while and couldn’t pin point why.  Her occupational therapist helped me to work through it.  (Apparently she doubles as a shrink.  Which is awesome.  🙂  )  I was having a hard time admitting that she needed the extra help, but I’m over it now and going full steam ahead with anything that will help her.

To long; didn’t read?

No glasses yet, but they will be coming sooner rather than later.  Heart is awesome.  She might need a brain shunt, but we don’t really know anything just yet.  That appointment is tomorrow.  Next up, ENT in a few weeks.

And now for the scrappy goodness:

RaptorMama Scrapbooking-9I’m going to pretend like I intended that frame in the top right corner to be crocked.  lol.  (Side note.  Is that how you spell that?  It looks weird.  Crooked?  Crooced?  cadiwompus?  Tilted.  Let’s go with tilted.)


Using Your Stash

I haven’t gotten any new goodies in a while (I’m waiting for some of the new releases to come out) so I’ve been digging into my stash a bit.  I found some old Echo Park paper that I still love!  In fact, I’m torn between wishing I had more of it and being excited that I might actually kill off a collection.

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Those trees!  I still love them.  And those tiny babies!  They were only 3 weeks old here.  Look how huge that rattle looks!  I still think of them as pretty tiny, but man.  They were REALLY tiny for a while there.

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I had mixed results with the rub ons.  The title worked really well.  These smaller ones not so much.  To be fair, the rub on sheet is several years old and I could have done a better job sticking that heart paper down.

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Here you can see some subtle stenciling.  That heart one is totally my fav.  I mixed in some newer embellies- wood veneer, flair badge, and the doilies.

Mia has an eye appointment this afternoon.  No biggie, just a routine check up.  But y’all, they said it was going to be 2 hours long.  ::sigh::  Should be interesting!  Then Kate starts Girl Scouts tonight.  I’m not sure who’s more excited, me or her.  🙂

Goals Update and Underwater Pics

This summer has been quite an adjustment for Raptor and me.  Last year we went swimming multiple times a week.  This year, not so much.  lol.  On this day my friend suggested that we take the kids to a splash pad, but it is just too dang hot.  I thought maybe I could try taking them all swimming if we went to the pool in my mom’s neighborhood where the shallow end is in the shade.  My plan was to sit in the shallow end and just hold the babies, but when I called my mom to get the pool key she pointed out that my plan was insane.  And because she’s insane, she offered to watch the twins while I took just Kate swimming.  I felt like Mel Gibson in Braveheart.  Freeeeeeedoooooooom!!!!!!!

RaptorMama Scrapbooking

I took these pictures with my underwater camera which I love.  It has a bit of a shutter lag so the pics are hit or miss, but when they hit they’re so much fun.

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I kept the rest of the page pretty simple, but I couldn’t resist playing with some mixed media goodies.  Whenever I make a background page now I grab some scraps of paper off of my desk to use up the leftover texture medium.  Then when I’m making a quick layout and don’t have time to let things dry, I can still have some.

Goals…  Ugh.  I did terrible last month!  The babies have decided that napping is for the birds unless I’m holding them.  On the upside, we finally got our air conditioner replaced so the art room no longer resembles a sauna in the evenings and I’ve been crafting a bit after the babies are in bed.


1. Scrapbook October 2014
2. Scrapbook December 2014
3. Scrapbook April 2015
4. Do some current layouts (5/5)
5. Project Life (3/6)
6. Blog (6/13) Whoops
7. Work out 5 days a week (missed a week)
8. Register for Buddy Walk (I did get a stroller though)
9. Video of interview book fail. Not sure if I want to retry this or not.
10. Frame DAD pics Done. I even hung them on the wall. Then promptly knocked them both onto the floor and broke the frames. sigh

I ended up focusing more on current layouts and didn’t get much done for 2014, which is kind of a bummer because I”m so close to wrapping up 2014, but I just wasn’t feeling in the holiday mood. But some of the new releases (Hello Crate Paper Halloween line!) have me super excited. I just need for them to arrive at the stores! With that in mind…

1. Scrapbook October 2014
2. Scrapbook May 2015
3. Project Life
4. Blog
5. Register for Buddy Walk
6. Reframe DAD pics
7. Decorate for Halloween!
8. Decide on Halloween costumes
9. Finish cross stitch project
10. Layout list for August 2015


Sorry for the radio silence last week!  It was absolutely crazy busy.  Both babies had therapy (Mia twice), they had their well baby visit with shots, Mia had to go to the cardiologist for a check up, we had to replace our AC, Kate had open house, and one of my BFFs came to visit for 3 days. Whew.  I’m tired just typing all of that!  I’m hoping to get back in the swing of things this week and by some miracle (a combo of therapy for both babies wearing them out and my mother-in-law sticking around after therapy to help me transfer post nursing sleeping babies to their swings) they both slept for over an hour.  At the same time.  IN THEIR SWINGS!  It was a Christmas miracle y’all.  I’m thinking about buying a lotto ticket tonight.  🙂RaptorMama Scrapbooking-6


I love how this page turned out.  Full disclosure, I was a wee bit tipsy when I made it so I was willing to take a few chances.  I haven’t been scrapping much since the babies decided that daytime sleep is for the week, but now that our AC has been replaced post bedtime crafting is an option again.  It’s like a whole new world has opened up!  Previous to this our office resembled a sauna in the evenings.

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I started off with some gel medium, yellow gelatos, and a heart stencil.  It was subtle but I liked it.  Then I decided to go crazy and try the “packaging technique.”  Basically, you smush your distress ink stamp in some of the clear plastic packaging that embellishments come in.  Then you add a few squirts of water and smush it around in the paper.  I didn’t have a squirt bottle handy so I added a bit of Heidi Swapp color shine in gold and I love the effect!  It gives it just a bit of sparkle.  Plus, I didn’t have to go find a squirt bottle which is a real positive considering how lazy I am.  😉  These papers are all super old too.  It is nice to be using up some old stuff!  I want to organize and purge my craft room and I figure the best way to start is to force myself to start using up this old stuff I’m hanging on to.

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I finished the whole page and then realized that I needed a border to help ground it so I just trimmed it slightly and mounted it on a piece of patterned paper.  Normally I hate how thin this cheap cardstock is, but I actually love that you can see a teeny bit of the pattern peaking through so consider this a score for thriftiness.  I also realized after I took these that I never journaled!  Whoops.  Thus are the perils of tipsy crafting.  I went back and added a few lines of journaling tot he right of the photo between the Sunshine and the actual sun.

First Day of 1st Grade!

Raptor started 1st grade on Monday!

first day-2I can’t believe how big she’s gotten!  She was so pumped about her first day.  And she came hoe bubbling over with excitement and even ::gasp:: told me about her day!  I realize it’s only the first week, but I can see how nice it is going to be to have her home at 3:15 ish instead of 5:30 or 6:00.  She came home, had a snack, told me about her day, we read a chapter of the book we’re reading, (The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe)  (I had to add a link so it would be underlined.  Aren’t books supposed to be underlined?), leisurely packed her lunch together, and just had a generally relaxed evening.  I realize that it will be more hectic once homework starts next week, but I think it’s going to be so much better than last year.  I have to say that going back to work full time, having Kate start kindergarten, and being pregnant with multiples all within a 2 week span made for a pretty insane year.  I’m so glad to be back at home this year.  🙂  And today is early release day (her charter school has early out every Wednesday) so I get to have an extra 2 hours with her!  Yay!  Maybe I’ll try to set up a little activity for her to do while the babies have OT for 2 hours this afternoon…  Hmm…  I’ll ponder that.

first dayAnd the boots.  Y’all.  How darn adorable are those boots.  She got some boots right before she turned 3 and she wore them, literally, to pieces.  So we got her some new ones for her birthday this summer and she was beyond thrilled.  They have (adorable) uniforms, but she still likes to jazz them up a bit and the boots accomplish that.



Godparents Scrapbook Page

I had a really hard time deciding on Godparents for the twins.  At first, I wanted there to be no overlap between any of the kids’ Godparents.  The problem is that we just don’t have that many Catholics to choose from.  lol.  In the end, I decided that some overlap was fine, so my sister is Godmother to all 3 of my kids.  My uncle is Raptor’s Godfather and my brother-in-law is the twins’ Godfather.  I was so hung up on trying to give them all individual ones, but in the end, I knew my sister and her husband were the best choice even if it meant not spreading it around.

They hosted a brunch for our families after the actual baptism and I got this awesome picture of them holding the babies in their blankets.  I would have liked to have had one with the babies in their christening gowns, but I was not super happy with the gown we ended up with for Xander so I changed them for the party.  Mia wore Kate’s absolutely gorgeous (and ridiculously expensive) duponi silk gown.  It was enormous on her.  lol.  Poor Xander.  We were given Kate’s as a gift and buying a comparable one for him was just not in the budget.  Plus, I went to the mall closest to us instead of the fancy mall downtown and there were basically no choices even if I had wanted to buy one.  I still kind of wish I had made a trip to the other mall, but the babies were insane even on the short trip to the close mall, I can’t imagine if we’d have added another 45 minutes in the car.  lol.  In the end, they got baptized and that’s all that really matters.  🙂

baptismI started off with this, but it seemed like it needed more of a title.

baptism-2So I added the black thickers, changed the paper clips to black, and added some washi to try and balance it out.  I’m still a little iffy on it, but I love the hearts in the background so I decided to post it anyway.  I made them with some spray mist and a stencil.  Also notice that I’m unapologetically using a Valentine’s Day line and it’s not February.  I love this line and I use it all the time.  🙂  Sadly I’m almost out!  I’m keeping my eyes peeled for another awesome line.



Teething Necklaces

I love the cute little amber teething necklaces.  They’re not meant for babies to chew on.  Supposedly the amber warms against their skin and releases something that helps with pain.   I don’t know if they actually work or not, but I know that with Raptor it helped me deal with teething frustration just because it’s so darn adorable that it would distract me from her crankiness.  Plus, they’re like the bat signal for crunchy moms.  If I see a mom with an amber clad baby at the park, I know there’s a decent chance that she’s going to be cool.  At the very least, she’s unlikely to care if I’m nursing my kiddos sans cover.  We got ours as a gift, but here’s a link to some if you want to check them out.  I recommend it.  The cute factor is ridic.

RaptorDad hates them.  Like seriously hates them.  He’s not a fan of pseudoscience.  See exhibit A.

teething necklacesThis is the first time I tried on the babies’ necklaces.  His expression cracks me up!

I love this layout.  I’ve been having so much fun with the stencils!  And the doilies.  And the paperclips.  And…  Well, I’ve just been having fun lately.  🙂


On Torticollis and Bathtime

Slowly but surely I’m working my way through the babies’ first month.  Today is their first bath!

first bathWith boy/ girl twins, I’m trying to keep the layouts from being too girly, but it’s no secret that I love pink.  🙂  And that I love gel medium and stencils!

first bath-2Also?  I addicted to the gold color shine!  I’m pretty sure this one is the color I have.  I love it!  I just want to swim around in it.  🙂  I’m considering ordering about 20 more colors of it.  🙂

In more current news, we had Xander evaluated for ECI services today and he did qualify.  He has torticollis which basically means his neck muscles are stiff.  Imagine when you sleep funny and you wake up and can’t turn your head because your neck is stiff.  Now imagine that you slept like that for 9 months.  lol.  I wasn’t sure if he would qualify but I’m happy that he did.  Our 3 month goals include tripod sitting and having him turn his head to bat at toys in all directions.  Have I mentioned lately how much I love ECI?

And goals for August.  Hmm…  Really should get on that.  How about…

  1. Scrapbook October 2014
  2. Scrapbook December 2014 (November is already done!)
  3. Scrapbook April 2015 (Only 1 layout to go!)
  4. Do some current layouts
  5. Get back on the Project Life bandwagon
  6. Blog!
  7. Work out 5 days a week
  8. Register for Buddy Walk
  9. Video of Interview Book
  10. Frame DAD pics



Nursing at Deep Eddy

So this happened.

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I was pretty sure I was going to be rocking ye olde iPhone 5, but RaptorDad is awesome and took it in to get the glass replaced on Friday.  Even better, the machine that replaces the glass was broken so I got a whole new phone!  Now I just need to accept the fact that I have to get a case.  Suggestions?  I’m considering this one but maybe the glitter is too much?

Sorry no post on Friday.  We were just too busy!  My cousins were in town and we went down to Deep Eddy to go swimming.  I <3 Deep Eddy and I’m glad we went, but it was just a teeny bit crazy with the babies.  Thankfully I had lots of help.  🙂

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I managed a bit of a contortion act and got this awesome selfie of me feeding Mia.  I’ve long wanted a flattering pic of me nursing, and I think I finally succeeded!  I love that it’s not too in your face, and I love that you can see the pool in the background.  Mostly I love that it shows how far Mia and I have come in our breastfeeding relationship!  🙂  Of course I had to scrap it right away.


I have more pictures to scrap from Friday, but I wanted to do this one separate so I could journal about breastfeeding twins.  I’m trying to do some more very current layouts so I can do more in the moment journaling.  I want to get the details down while I remember them!  It was a pretty quick layout to pull together which was good.  I’m trying to do a mix of throw down layouts so I don’t get behind and artsy layouts so I feed my creative side.  It’s a work in progress.  🙂

I am addicted to these mini doilies!  I just ordered some new pink ones.  🙂

I’m still figuring out my goals for August.  Look for that tomorrow or Wednesday. 🙂

ENT Referral and Twin Smiles

Mia has been making this weird noise pretty much since she was born.  I’ve tried to describe it to the various medical professionals, but the little stinker has yet to make it in one of their presences.  Her speech therapist suggested that I try to tape it and I finally succeeded this weekend.  I texted her the video, she agreed that it was odd, and suggested that I send it to Mia’s pediatrician.  I don’t really have a way to do that, so I just added an appointment for her when I scheduled Xander’s weight check.

Their weights were great!  Mia was 9 pounds 1 ounce and Xander was a whopping 10 pounds!  For the first time, their dr actually seemed satisfied with their weight gain.  🙂  Mia earned herself a referral to a pediatric ENT to check out the weird noise.  BINGO!  Dr said we were going to have to go anyway to get her hearing rechecked at 6 months so we might as well just go a little early.  He said he doesn’t like to mess around with potential airway issues.  He said some other stuff too, but I’m pretty sure that my eyes just glazed over while my inner 4 year had a tantrum at the thought of yet another specialist visit.  Now putting head firmly in the sand until the visit.  Just say no to Dr Google!

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One of the great things about living where we do is that we’re so close to my parents.  We stopped by for a bit on the way to the appointment and I got this adorable pic of my dad holding both babies.  I think this is the first time I have photographic evidence of a Mia smile!  I was so excited about it that I broke through my mental block against scrapping at night and made a page!

File Jul 29, 10 25 45 AMPretty simple page, but I like it.  🙂  I think one of my August goal’s might be to try and scrapbook in the now.  Thoughts?