Scrapping with Frames and Layers

These pictures were just so cute and springy that I couldn’t wait to scrap them.  I think I scrapped them the same week I took them which is saying something around here!  They’ve just been languishing in my to-be-blogged pile, but I’m dealing with the backlog people!

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I think if you’ve read the blog for long, you know that I love October Afternoon and I love summery collections.  This one ticked all the boxes.  And as I have it in the same drawer ad the Crate Paper summery line that I bought at the same time, it’s highly likely that there’s some of that mixed in there too.  And I’m pretty sure the frames are from The Pier, my favorite Crate Paper collection ever.  🙂

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I used the frames to highlight the places where the layers intersected and added some butterflies because butterflies make everything better.

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I love that heart paper so much.  I bought a ton and I think I’m out.  Same goes for the yellow sunburst I’m using as the background paper.  Whomp whomp.

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And can we talk about gold?  I resisted for so long, but I have finally drunk the koolaid.  In fact, you might say that I’m drunk on the koolaid.  Gold washi and glitter forever!


Bridging to Brownies!

Oh my gosh, I really am behind on the blogging as this happened in May.  Kate has loved Girl Scouts so much.  We have been truly blessed in finding the perfect troop.  I think she has learned so much and gained so much independence this year.  She even went on a 2 night camping trip without me!  Her troop had their bridging ceremony back in May for the girls who are moving up to Brownies.  Unfortunately, one of their cohort couldn’t be there, but they were still so excited to put on their Brownie vests.  And, um, I may have cried when her leader took off her Daisy apron for the last time.  So many great memories!  And can I just say that she looks soooo much more grown up in a vest than an apron?  I’m just going to go cry into my Diet Coke, you guys enjoy the layout.

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Such a great group of girls!  I kind of threw everything but the kitchen sink on this layout.  lol.  I started with same stencil/ paint, then I layered a bunch of scraps of paper, and then I added some ephemera and stickers.  I finished it off with some gold Heidi Shine because, duh.  😉

Here’s a close up of one of the embellishment clusters.

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And here’s a close up of the photo frame.

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We start scouts again this week and I cannot wait!!!

September Goals

First, how’d I do with August?  Let’s take a look.

  1.  Scrap January 2015.  Done!  I rewarded myself my scrapping some current pics.  🙂
  2. Birthday pictures.  Oh my goodness.  The babies are 16 months old.  I think I need to accept that smash cakes pics just aren’t going to happen.  I did get some pics at their birthday party and I think I’m just going to have to deal with the fact that that is as good as it’s going to get.  Since that was my main excuse against cutting Xander’s hair, it looks like I might have to go ahead and concede defeat on that one too.
  3. Paint DAD letters.  Done!  They look a bit, um, rustic since I painted over the previous teal incarnation and I wasn’t particularly neat when I painted that year. Oh well!  If I ever get these pictures done it will be a miracle 😉
  4. Organize needlework projects.  Done!  In fact, I went ahead and organized the craft shelves in my bedroom while I was at it.  What?  You don’t have overflow craft shelves in your bedroom to hold projects that don’t fit in your craft room?
  5. Summer reading stuff.  Whoops.  I went to enter her last 2 rounds of books, but the deadline had already past.  Thankfully, Kate wasn’t too bothered by this.  She loves to read so much that she doesn’t really need an external motivator.
  6. Living room wall plan.  Yeah, not so much.  lol.
  7. Garage sale box.  Ha.  Hahahahahaha.
  8. Scrap beach trip.  Done!  And I had so much fun doing some current pics.  I didn’t end up bringing my big camera down to the beach once, (I was worried about getting sand in it) but I got some great pics with my phone and some cute ones with my waterproof camera.  I will say that I love my waterproof camera for underwater pics, but obviously the water was way too cloudy for that to be viable at the beach.  I do love that I can take it out in the water, but the quality isn’t all that fantastic if it’s not in the water.  Still, I would have been way too nervous to take my camera or even my phone out into the waves so I got pictures that I wouldn’t have been able to get otherwise.  One day I’m going to upgrade my waterproof camera, but it’s pretty far down on my wish list.  First I want to buy all of the scrapbook kits.  lol.
  9. Waterproof Camera.  I did pull all of the pics off of the waterproof camera and got them all organized.  The ones from our trip out to West Texas are amazing.  I can’t wait to scrap them!
  10. Planner love.  It’s not quite a habit yet, but I have pulled out my planner and started using it again.  I need to print off a few new pages, but I love that I getting organized again.

twin cupcake

Look at my tiny babies at their birthday party in March!  Soooooo cute!

Now time to set some September goals…

  1.  Scrap February 2015.  I have 3 events to scrap, but one of them is my sister’s wedding (at which Kate was an absolutely adorable flower girl) so I might end up with more than 1 page for that.  We’ll just have to see how it goes.  I might scrap one pic and then have a facing page with 6 4×6 photos tiled.
  2. Finish June, July, and August for 2016 Project Life.  Let’s be honest, there’s no way all of this is getting done in a single month, but I cancelled my Studio Calico subscription and signed up for a Hip Kits subscription which starts in September.  I can’t wait to get my new goodies!  With that said, I have a half used kit from June and unopened kits from July and August that I would like to use before I get my new stuff and the old stuff gets tossed aside.  We’ll see how far I can get with this goal.
  3. Decide on Halloween costumes.  Obviously this will involve coordinating the babies with whatever Kate decides on.  lol.
  4. Scrap 10 current (non Project Life) layouts.
  5. Work on Xander’s stocking.  I’m going to spend September working on Xander’s stocking and October working on Mia’s.  I would really like to get them done this year.
  6. Finish hand towels.  Another Christmas gift.  This one is some cross stitched hand towels that ended up being loads more complicated than expected.  Looks like I need to find a new netflix series to binge watch!
  7. Make FALL letters.  These have been on my seasonal decorations wish list for a long time.  I even have the paper!  I just need to go buy the letters and make them.
  8. Organize DVDs.  This is part of a larger goal to clean out our hall closet, but first up is to (hopefully) add a bunch of DVDs to the garage sale pile and find a home for the rest.
  9. Finish felt letters.  Oh my.  These are so overdue.
  10. Figure out something for family pictures.  Tripod maybe?  Or possibly just pics of the kids again.  I also want to find a new location.

DIY Washi Calendar

Hello, my name is RaptorMama and I’m addicted to washi tape.  Like, I have an embarrassingly large collection and I’m always looking for new ways to use it so I can justify buying more.  I also have a 7 year old with a busy social calendar.  lol.  We keep track of everything on the computer, but that doesn’t help said 7 year old since she doesn’t have access to a computer of her own (much to her chagrin.)  In an effort to get her to stop driving me nuts this summer asking what our plans were for the day and how long was it until we were doing XYZ exciting activity, I made a calendar with the while paper that comes in page protectors, rainbow markers, and washi tape.  We loved it so much that I made another one for the fall.  I wish I could have gotten the whole semester up, but we ran out of wall space.  lol.

File Aug 28, 3 36 17 PM

I cut the paper into 3×3 squares, then wrote what we were doing and added coordinating washi tape.  So all of her girl scout activities have rainbow washi.  All of her volleyball games have yellow chevron washi.  Etc.  Etc.  Incidentally, as soon as I signed her up for volleyball I tried to order volleyball washi, but Doodlebug has let me down.  They have football, basketball, soccer, and baseball, but no volleyball.  ::sad face::  On the upside, I finally found a use for the October Afternoon days of the week washi that I just had to buy but have never used.  lol.

File Aug 28, 3 35 48 PM

All in all, I’m quite pleased!  It currently goes through the end of October, but I figure that once September is finished I’ll move up October and add November and December.  What creative things are you doing with washi tape?

Beach Babies

My children napped again today.  It’s a Christmas miracle!  Naturally I ignored the dishes piled in the kitchen and ran to my craft room.  Hey, these pictures aren’t going to scrap themselves!

beach babies

Since I just finished January 2015, I rewarded myself with some current pictures from our beach trip last month.  So fun!  And since I stopped keeping up with the latest and greatest, I still love my old stuff.  Most of this is from an older Crate Paper collection, The Pier.

I’m also on a one photo per page kick.  It means that our trip to the American Girl store is 3 layouts instead of one, but I’m loving the way it looks.  I’ll catch up eventually, right?  hahahahahaha

August Goals

Well hello there!  Goodness, it’s been a while.  I have no excuses other than the fact that I was so busy having an awesome summer that blogging kind of fell by the wayside.  Whoops!  Raptor went back to school a week and a half ago, and ::knock on wood:: the babies have actually been napping since we’re not running all over creation every morning.  And the olympics are over which means that I have no more excuses!  I was scrapping up a storm last week and I finally have some stuff to share.  🙂  Plus, I have a million ideas buzzing around in my head and I need to bust out a crafty to do list.  The holidays are coming people!

You get adorable pics of my babies at the beach since this would just be a boring pictureless goals post otherwise.  And yes, I realize that August is almost over, but I didn’t want to wait until September to make a goals list.  😉


  1.  Scrap January 2015.  I only have to do 2 layouts, surely I can knock them out.  As you guys know, I vastly prefer to scrapbook current stuff, but I just want to get these done.  The first few months of the twins’ lives are scrapped but I need to do January, February, and March of 2015.  I’m thinking I’ll try to tackle a month a month (lol) to fill in the gap that I have.
  2. Birthday Pictures.  You guys.  The twins are 16 months old and I still haven’t taken their birthday pics.  I know I know.  I want to get these done this week.  Period.  I jut need the weather to cooperate…
  3. DAD pictures.  Ugh.  Same story.  I want to at least get the letters repainted this week.  (I think we all know that there’s no way that I’m getting 2 photo shoots done in the same week.  lol.)
  4. Organize, catalogue, and find a better way to store all of my needlework projects.  I’m thinking gallon ziplock bags?  I need to get cracking on these and start crossing them off the master list!  Currently, I have 2 in progress cross stitch projects that are meant to be Christmas gifts, 2 baby stockings that I also need to finish before Christmas, a set of felt letters that are ridiculously overdue, a felt advent calendar, and a partridge in a pear tree.
  5. Enter Kate’s summer reading stuff.  We have to do all of this online, and I’ve forgotten our log in info because I’m a giant spaz.  Hopefully I’m not too late!
  6. Go through Pinterest and decide on a plan for the living room wall.  I at least want to make a list of the projects I’d like to attempt.  lol.
  7. Fill one garage sale box from craft room.
  8. Finish scrapping beach trip.
  9. Pull pictures off of waterproof camera.
  10. Start using planner again!


Scrapping Again!

For last week’s project I worked on my Project Life album.  I got a few layouts done and I’m still loving the project.  🙂  I haven’t figured out a good way to take pics of it without the glare causing huge problems though, so you get a 12×12 page instead.

I’ve been so focused on December Dailies and Project Life spreads that I haven’t made an actual 12X12 layout since November.  I made 2 layouts a few weeks ago with current pictures and I finally pulled them off of my camera today.  So much fun!  I know I need to play catch up (I’m still working on December 2014!) but I’m having way more fun doing current projects.  🙂  Next step, buy some more albums!  I have a giant stack of layouts awaiting a home.

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I love this layout!  If you follow me on instagram, you saw that Raptor and I had a mommy/ daughter date at the Rodeo fairgrounds a few weeks ago.  The timing wasn’t the best, but we had been given free ride passes for one day only so we decided to just go anyway.  And I’m so glad that we did!  RaptorDad and I are thinking that we need to plan more Mommy/Daughter and Daddy/Daughter dates.

I took all of the pictures with my phone and I’m really happy with how they turned out.  It’s not a DSLR, but its as good as any point and shoot I’ve ever had.

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I’m actually really happy with how this layout turned out.  I wish I had taken pictures of it at the various stages!  First, I put down some paint with a stencil and let that dry.  Then I busted out an oldie but goodie- October Afternoon Midway.  I still love that collection.  🙂  I just played around with some scraps of paper until I liked the look, then I added some stickers and tickets.  I finished it up with some Heidi Shine.  <3

Final Daisy Journey!

I’ve decided that I’m going to focus on one project a week and then blog about it on Mondays.  Surely even I can keep up with once a week blogging.  lol.  Last week’s project was to finish up Kate’s final daisy journey!  I don’t really have any pics, but I’m embracing imperfection around here today.

Initially I thought we were going to work on it this summer, but her leader decided to have them bridge up to Brownies in May instead of September.  Works for me!  Now we have longer to play with the retired try-its I’ve been buying.  This did  mean that we needed to kick it into high gear with our final journey though.  We did Between Earth and Sky which was about environmentalism and communicating your feelings.  Seemed like an odd combo to me, but whatever.  We pretty much followed it as written with the exception of the nature hikes.  We went on 2 or 3, but it’s been kind of rainy around here so we did some scavenger hunting in the fruit and veggie drawer for some of them.

For our Take Action Project, we went with one of the ideas from the River Valleys site.  (They’re an awesome resource by the way.)  She made a Water Conservation poster and then she taught our First Sunday Girls’ Breakfast Club (that would be my mom, my sister, and my grandmother) all about water conservation.  Then everyone picked one specific way to try and conserve water.

We had a lot of fun doing these!  I know there is a lot of hate for the journeys, but I don’t mind them.  No lie, I’m pretty excited that she’s going to be doing the Brownie ones with her troop and she and I can focus on the retired try-its which seem easier to manage and more clear cut on the requirements, but I’m glad that she pushed me to do them with her.  And she was ridiculously proud when I pinned her summit pin on her.

As soon as we finished she asked when she could start on her gold award.  lol.  She was not pleased when I told her she had to be in high school!  I think I may have created a monster.  🙂  But truly, I hope she is always this enthusiastic about her goals.

Now to pick a project for this week…

Scrap Fabric Map

Since I was hosting almost 40 people this weekend AT MY HOUSE for the twin’s birthday party, naturally I decided to tackle some big crafty redecorating projects this week instead of cleaning.  What can I say, RaptorDad and I are awesome at panic cleaning.

First up on the week of insanity was hosting some of my girl friends for craft night.  I spent Monday panic cleaning for that and didn’t manage to buy the supplies for the string art project I was planning.  I did, however, have plenty of yummy snacks.  Priorities people!  Luckily, my friends are awesome and saved me from having to work on the babies’ stockings by helpfully sharing their supplies.  They rock!

I don’t have many pics of the process, and they’re all from my iPhone, but it was pretty simple.  🙂  We started with a printout of an outline map of the US.  It was printed on 4 sheets of paper which were taped together.  Starting on the West Coast, you first cut the state out of paper.  Then you iron on some iron on stuff to the fabric scrap you’re using.  Flip over both the state and the fabric and trace the shape onto the back.  It will be a mirror image.

Photo Apr 07, 9 11 30 PM

I actually have a picture of this step!  With states that were in multiple pieces (Michigan and Hawaii) I cut them out of one pice so that the pattern would match up.  I didn’t the first time and it drove me crazy so I ended up ripping it off and redoing it.

Then you just cut out along the outline (I cut just inside of it), peel the backing off of the fabric and position it in place using the rest of the paper map as a guide.

Photo Apr 07, 9 31 00 PM

See!  The pattern lines up perfectly.  I’m not OCD at all, why do you ask?  😉

Photo Apr 05, 12 47 37 AM

I can totally see why you start on the West Coast.  You  make progress so fast!  All of the states are big and there are a bunch of straight lines.  By the time you get to the East Coast, you’ve made enough progress that you’re motivated to keep going.  🙂

Photo Apr 08, 3 54 36 PM

You’re technically supposed to stitch inside all of the states, but I just couldn’t figure out how that was going to work on a state like Hawaii.  I could barely cut the islands out!  Confession, I totally left 2 or 3 off that were just too small.  And I left all all of the islands along the coasts.  Sorry Florida Keys.  I decided just to frame it behind some glass instead.  Hopefully the pieces don’t fall off, but I figure we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.  I will say, I think the stitching would look awesome in the western half of the map with all of the bigger states so if you decide to do this project with something other than the states I would consider adding the stitching.

Photo Apr 08, 3 28 21 PM

All in all, I am super happy with how it turned out!  I started it on a Monday and finished up up Friday night.  I knew that if I packed it away, it would take me forever to get it back out so I just left the huge mess taking over our kitchen table and worked as fast as I could.

Photo Apr 07, 11 21 14 PM

Fabric scraps everywhere!  But it was such a fun, EASY, project.  And it was super nice to get out of my comfort zone and try something totally new.  I think I’m going to be exploring some more new crafts!  I love scrapbooking, but it was fun to play with fabric.  Who knows, maybe I’ll finally take up quilting.  🙂

Photo Apr 11, 9 38 33 AM

Sorry for the wonky angle; I was trying to minimize the glare.  I love it!  I threw up a temporary gallery wall because I wanted some new stuff up before the babies’ party.  I plan to make a few more crafty things for this wall, potentially order a few more pictures, and then redo the whole thing.  But I’m loving it for now.  🙂



Bluebonnet Pics!

I almost waited too long this year because I kept looking for an awesome patch of bluebonnets.  Well, I never found full, rolling hills of bluebonnets, but I knew that I would seriously regret it if I didn’t take any.  I also knew that the babies were not going to be able to hang for an evening session so I resigned myself to getting us up and moving this morning.  I almost talked myself out of it at 7am (I am the opposite of a morning person) but the flowers had already peaked and I’m pretty sure they’re going to be looking pretty raggedy by next weekend.  And I was treated to the most beautiful light.  It’s almost enough to convince me to get up early with my camera more often!  But not quite.  😉


Other than cropping them, these are straight out of the camera.


I will say that is harder than you would think to get 3 kids all smiling and looking at the camera at the same time!  One of my friends is going to teach me how to do a head swap.  🙂


And this out take of Kate cracks me up.  The expression on her face!  lol.

I had a lot of fun playing with my real camera this morning!  I think I’m going to throw gently place it in the diaper bag more often.  Don’t get me wrong, the iPhone takes some great pics, but I’ve been missing my big girl camera.