You know which quilt was nowhere on my goals list for this month? My Bee Yourself Quilt. You know which quilt I’ve been working on? My Bee Yourself Quilt. lol.
I decided I wanted to try to make a Zelda block. First I tried applique, then I tried EPP plus applique. Both looked like garbage. I finally decided that if I was going to have strong points, I was going to have to suck it up and try to machine piece it.

It turned out way better than I had ever hoped! Especially since I was making up the pattern as I went along.

Then I decided to go nuts and sew together the whole bottom corner! I was resisting sewing any blocks together in case I wanted to rearrange any of them, but this little corner gave the boost I needed to tackle the next big obstacle. The flags.

I decided it would be fun to have a little 2×3 inch flag from each country I’ve been to. Then I sketched out all of the flags, looked at Greece, and panicked. lol. I’ve been kicking it around in my mind for a few months now and it finally came to me yesterday: bias tape! So I made some teeny tiny bias tape and appliqued it down. Success!

Then I did a bunch more! No lie, I was feeling pretty cocky after Peru. Ireland, and Italy. Then I looked at Mexico. Now that is a complicated flag. lol. I almost threw in the towel at that point, but then I figured I could try to simplify it and use embroidery.

It’s not perfect, but I’m really pleased with the way it turned out! I’ve got a bunch more to do, but I’m feeling good about these first 5. 🙂 Next up: Scotland!