No lie, this month has been bananas, but I still managed to accomplish a few things.
- Cryptozoology Quilt. I’ve ignored this all month.
- Social Story. I found one FOR FREE and it was amazing. Mia read it a hundred million times and it helped a ton.
- Hexagons. I entered them! Now I just need to figure out how to add a sleeve to the back.
- Valentine’s. Done!
- Project Life. I closed a gap! And finished off the first 2 Ali kits I got- October and November stories by the month. I also got 3/4 January 2025 layouts done and I’ve printed the pictures for week 4. I think I have 5 more weeks from the summer and 3 weeks from December? Not too shabby!
- Garden. Not much happening here, but I’m dreaming of jam!
- Wreath. I only got one flower crocheted, but it was super cute!
- March Bins. Done! And they are super cute and Mia loves them!
- Windchime Quilt. Didn’t get much done on this, but it’s still making me happy to look at. 🙂
- Compost. lol. I didn’t even look at this.
March Goals.
- Finish piecing F*CK quilt. I’m 5/8 of the way done right now. Then I can move on to the next part which is figuring out how to print the embroidery stencil to scale…
- Finish piecing strawberry quilt. I’ve tabled the chocolate strawberry for now in favor of a heart. I might pull this idea back out later for a future iteration of the quilt.
- April Bins. This is usually where I fall off on the seasonal decorating and the montessori bins so I’m hoping to get a jump start on them this year. Easter themed? Vet themed? To be decided.
- Project Life 2025. I’d love to do January (1 week) and February (4 weeks). I also need to figure out where I can order more page protectors as it appears that Becky Higgins has stopped manufacturing them.
- Project Life 2025. I signed up for Ali’s new kit and I’m hoping to use it to fill in the gap from this summer. I figured out how to access the classroom and I’m pumped! Now I just need to print some pictures.
- April Break. I just signed RaptorTwin2 (who asked that I not use his name) up for a morning art camp with his friend. I’d love to plan an intentional “mommy camp” for Mia too!
- Clean up Library. Oh boy, might need a shovel. But my bestie is coming up next week so I’m highly motivated!
- Hexagons. I need to figure out the binding.
- Summer Plans. I need to loosely map out camps/ trips/ visitors and see where we are.
- I asked RaptorTwin2 what the 10th goal should be and he said I should work on my dollhouse. Maybe I’ll work on my books!