
No lie, this month has been bananas, but I still managed to accomplish a few things.

  1. Cryptozoology Quilt. I’ve ignored this all month.
  2. Social Story. I found one FOR FREE and it was amazing. Mia read it a hundred million times and it helped a ton.
  3. Hexagons. I entered them! Now I just need to figure out how to add a sleeve to the back.
  4. Valentine’s. Done!
  5. Project Life. I closed a gap! And finished off the first 2 Ali kits I got- October and November stories by the month. I also got 3/4 January 2025 layouts done and I’ve printed the pictures for week 4. I think I have 5 more weeks from the summer and 3 weeks from December? Not too shabby!
  6. Garden. Not much happening here, but I’m dreaming of jam!
  7. Wreath. I only got one flower crocheted, but it was super cute!
  8. March Bins. Done! And they are super cute and Mia loves them!
  9. Windchime Quilt. Didn’t get much done on this, but it’s still making me happy to look at. 🙂
  10. Compost. lol. I didn’t even look at this.

March Goals.

  1. Finish piecing F*CK quilt. I’m 5/8 of the way done right now. Then I can move on to the next part which is figuring out how to print the embroidery stencil to scale…
  2. Finish piecing strawberry quilt. I’ve tabled the chocolate strawberry for now in favor of a heart. I might pull this idea back out later for a future iteration of the quilt.
  3. April Bins. This is usually where I fall off on the seasonal decorating and the montessori bins so I’m hoping to get a jump start on them this year. Easter themed? Vet themed? To be decided.
  4. Project Life 2025. I’d love to do January (1 week) and February (4 weeks). I also need to figure out where I can order more page protectors as it appears that Becky Higgins has stopped manufacturing them.
  5. Project Life 2025. I signed up for Ali’s new kit and I’m hoping to use it to fill in the gap from this summer. I figured out how to access the classroom and I’m pumped! Now I just need to print some pictures.
  6. April Break. I just signed RaptorTwin2 (who asked that I not use his name) up for a morning art camp with his friend. I’d love to plan an intentional “mommy camp” for Mia too!
  7. Clean up Library. Oh boy, might need a shovel. But my bestie is coming up next week so I’m highly motivated!
  8. Hexagons. I need to figure out the binding.
  9. Summer Plans. I need to loosely map out camps/ trips/ visitors and see where we are.
  10. I asked RaptorTwin2 what the 10th goal should be and he said I should work on my dollhouse. Maybe I’ll work on my books!

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