February Time!

I have 10 minutes until the kids get off the bus, so let’s get right to it, shall we?

January Goals

  1. Ankle. I never did get my podiatry referral resent, but the PT is actually helping! My friend, the bump, is still hanging around, but the swelling has actually gone down a teeny bit and it’s hurting considerably less. Yay!
  2. Hearts. Done! I’m so happy with how it turned out!
  3. Monthly Theme. I didn’t add much for January aside from the sensory bin, but I found a fun printable pack on TPT that included 9 or 10 different themes- one of which was Cupid’s Corner- an adorable little post office for Valentine’s Day! I got that all printed out and laminated and Mia is delighted! Even Xander checked it out!
  4. Project Life. I got 1 week done from October 2024 (leaving me with 10 weeks to go) and 2 (3?) weeks of January 2025 done. Feeling pretty good about that. 🙂
  5. Meal Plan. RaptorDad said that help with laundry would be way more useful than help with meals, so I’ve been trying to help with that. Fingers crossed. lol.
  6. Smitten Quilt. I didn’t get a darn thing done on this. And I’m fine with that!
  7. Family Game Night. Going great! OG Raptor (Kate) is reading over my shoulder and she disagrees, but I think we’re doing pretty good. We played Ticket to Ride multiple times and lived to tell the tale!
  8. Winter Bucket List. Didn’t happen.
  9. Planner. A bit hit or miss, but I’m trying.
  10. Make Bed. I think this happened twice. lol.

February Goals.

  1. Cryptozoology Quilt. I need to baste this. I actually tried, but I did a terrible job so I need to take all of the safety pins out and try again.
  2. Social Story. I want to make a social story for Mia about our upcoming flights.
  3. Hexagons. I’m going to enter them into the Maine Quilt Show! This happens in February so I need to figure out how to do it.
  4. Valentine’s. Need to figure help the kids with these.
  5. Project Life. Fingers crossed I can get January 2025 done, 2 or 3 weeks of February 2025 done, and make some progress closing the gaps in 2024.
  6. Garden. I want to have a plan for what I’m growing this year, and think about where I’m growing it.
  7. Wreath. I’m making a new Valentine’s Day wreath! I think it’s going to be super cute. I wrapped some yarn around a wreath form and now I’m crocheting some flowers for it. Fingers crossed!
  8. March Bins. I’d love to print out and organize the stuff for the March montesorri bins this month so that I’m a month ahead!
  9. Windchime Quilt. I’m reminded why I love this one! Finished up one block and started another. I’d love to finish it and get another one basted!
  10. Compost? I feel this pull to compost, but I am afraid of bugs so bad and the last time we tried in Texas it was a nightmare. I need to do some research about this.

This month was oddly productive. In addition to quilting progress, I finally made cinnamon rolls! I’ve been afraid of them for ages, but I’m so glad I finally gave them a try. Delish!

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