Hello October!

I love Halloween y’all! Let’s set some goals for the month, shall we? But first, how’s we do in September…

  1. Plan for Trip. Done! And it was amazing. I forgot how easy it is to travel domestically by yourself.
  2. Advent Calendar. Nope.
  3. Beach. Also nope. But I did have a lovely day in my craft room instead. ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Subbing. I haven’t updated my availability yet, but that hasn’t stopped them from calling me! lol
  5. Project Life. First half is done! And I’m actually really happy with it.
  6. Prep the Steps. This one is going to have to take a backseat for a while, but I did decide on all of the colors so I’m ready. ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Hexies. I’m not done, but I’m getting closer. ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Wind Bobbins. Ugh. Still haven’t done this.
  9. Africa Scrapbook. I made some progress on this and I’m so happy!
  10. Sensory Bin. Nope.

How about October…

  1. Advent Calendar. It’s crunch time people.
  2. Project Life. I’m about out of photo paper (again lol) but I’m hoping to catch up! I think I have 9 weeks to do to make that happen.
  3. Hexies. I’m not setting a specific goal, but I’d like to work on these some more.
  4. Africa Scrapbook. I want to make some progress on this! I need to troubleshoot my big printer so I can keep moving forward. ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. Sensory Bin. I’ve got to clean up Mia’s desk area and make her a new sensory bin.
  6. Cryptozoology Quilt. I need to wind the bobbins and finish this puppy up!
  7. Bind Log Cabin Quilt. Ugh. I just need to put on my big girl panties and get this bad boy done!
  8. Halloween Costumes. Need to help the kids figure these out.
  9. Kid Crafts. I want to find a few cute craft projects to do with the kids.
  10. Wreath? I have a super cute idea for a Halloween wreath. Jury is still out on whether or not I can execute said idea. hahahahaha

And there you have it! And only 4 days late. lol

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