How is it August Already?!?

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe that it is already August! We are now in the homestretch of summer where we have absolutely nothing planned. And I am thrilled! We had an amazing June and July seeing friends and family and now we’re ready for some relaxing. ๐Ÿ™‚

July Goals

  1. Finish April 2024. Well, I did get the pics printed so that’s something? Might try and catch up this month.
  2. Strawberry Quilt. I actually did finish a chocolate strawberry block, but I hate it and I’m planning to redo it, so partial credit?
  3. Cryptozoology Quilt. So fun! I finished the blocks and I’m starting to sew them together.
  4. Quilt Show. OMG! So much fun. SO many beautiful quilts!
  5. Low Volume Log Cabin. I finished quilting it! Now I just need to figure out how to bind it…

August Goals.

  1. Advent Calendar. It’s that time of year when I pull out all of the Bucilla projects. First up, advent calendar! I have 10 ornaments to go and then a bit of trim needs to be added. So close I can taste it! Of course, then I have 3 stocking kits ready to go. So a reasonable goal for August? How about 1 ornament a week.
  2. Project Life. I was doing so good… I think I’d like to try and do August in real time while finishing up August and working on May.
  3. Cryptozoology Quilt. I’d like to get the top finished so that I can take it down off of the design wall and put my strawberries back up. ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Low Volume Log Cabin. I think the goal for this month will be to make the binding.
  5. Adventure Time! I’m thinking maybe 1 field trip a week? IDK.
  6. School Scrapbooks. Need to remember to do our interviews on the eve of the first day of school. ๐Ÿ™‚ I want to try to get some of the pictures printed too.
  7. Beach. I need to get back to the beach! Maybe I’ll give the sand heart photo thing another go…
  8. Seasonal Decorating? I gave up back in April, but I’d love to get back to this.
  9. Planner. I’d love to be more intentional about utilizing my planner.
  10. Meal plans? Speaking of, I always say I want to do this and then never do. lol.

And look at that! I actually managed to come up with 10 goals. It’s a Christmas miracle!

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