It’s not an April Fool’s Joke- I’m actually posting my April goals on time! Let’s see how March went.
- Schedule travel vaccines. Done!
- Schedule dental/ eye dr appointments for Kate. Dentist is scheduled. 🙂
- Twin Birthday Plans. RaptorDad took point on this, but we still need to get the evite out to their classmates. Evite is sent!
- Plan for PL/ Scrapbook catch up (2023). Not yet.
- Book swim lessons. Done! And this has been hanging over my head ever since I missed the sign ups last year.
- Retake Bluebonnet Pics. Nope.
- Edit Soccer Pics (x2). Nope.
- Put new quilt up on the design wall. Done! And I’m loving it. 🙂
- Write April goals post (on time?) Woo hoo!
- Enjoy my birthday!!! My birthday was amazing!!!
April Goals:
- Get at least 1 old quilt top basted.
- Project Life. March and April of 2023.
- Project Life Catch Up Plan. I want to go through and make a list of exactly what I’m missing. I also want to go through and label my Project Life kits so they are ready to go.
- Scrapbook. February and March of 2023.
- Clean up and reorganize WIPs. I want to go through and look at each in progress quilt and figure out what needs to be done.
- EPP. Ever since I put my Ice Cream Soda quilt in time out, I haven’t been keeping any EPP projects in my backpack. I’d like to change that.
- RE Homework. This is due at the end of April. Ugh.
- First Communion Party. The twins are making their First Communion. Party? IDK.
- Plans for quilt retreat.
- Plans for the twins’ birthday!