Oh my gosh, it is so cold here. We’re on our second ice day! Unlike 2021, we currently have power ::knock on wood:: so we’re actually really enjoying it. I even let Kate and Xander go outside and play in it! Mia looked at us like we were insane for leaving the warm house. Kind of think she might have the right idea. ๐

But we had fun. ๐ I switched my lens out for my macro one- so fun!

I’m actually pretty proud of this shot! And now, back to the goals.
- 10k steps a day. Well, I’m averaging 8,463 steps a day which is a step up from the 6,238 I averaged for 2022. I tried to find how many days I actually got over 10K steps, but my phone and I are currently in a stand off. lol.
- Old Project Life. Done! I got 4 weeks of 2021 done. ๐
- New Project Life. Done! I got the first 4 weeks of 2023 done and I am thrilled!
- Old Scrapbook. I didn’t get August of 2019 done, but I did get February 2021 done so that’s something.
- New Scrapbook. Done! I am all caught up and January 2023 is finished! Yay!
- Ice Cream Soda. This quilt is in time out.
- Africa. Still trying to get our flights booked, but we’re working on it.
- Doll House. I didn’t get a bookshelf made, but I did make a fish tank and that’s pretty awesome.
- Girl Scout Cookies. Well, we’re not done yet, but we are getting closer and so far it’s been ok.
- Valentine’s Day. Behind as per usual, but I did start a new tradition last night that I’m pretty excited about. I cut out hearts and I’m writing down one thing I love about each of them every night between now and Valentine’s Day and taping them to their doors. So cute!
So February Goals.
- 2023 Project Life. I’d like to get caught up and do February in real time. That’s 4 weeks.
- Old Project Life. Fingers crossed I can keep the momentum going. I’d like to get 4 weeks done in one of the old Project Life albums.
- 2023 Scrapbook. Keep current! January went really well and I’m hoping I can get some systems in place to keep this up.
- Old Scrapbook. I’s like to get 1 old month done. My current (delusional) plan is to keep current while knocking out 1 old month each month so I can (very slowly) catch up.
- Heart Quilt. I didn’t really get any quilting done last month. This month, I’d like to piece the backing for my heart quilt.
- Girl Scout Cookies. ::sob::
- Beach Trip. I’d really love to make a day trip down to the beach. I love the beach so much and it’s a huge recharge for me. Bonus is that in the winter, it’s so cold that my kids don’t want to go out in the water!
- Spring Break. Make a spring break plan! We’re going to do it as a staycation so I want to make a plan. Initially I was thinking “all the Austin things!” but then I remembered that spring break in also SXSW. Hmm… Will need to ponder this further.
- Wood Signs. I’ve decided to make some wooden signs to sell on Etsy. Um, I need to figure all of this out.
- Hexies. My poor neglected hexies. I want to pull these back out and get to quilting!