I made a fish tank, y’all!

There is lots of room for improvement, but overall I’m really pleased with it!

I made the actual tank with pieces of acrylic that I cut on our laser. The gravel on the bottom is actually bits of broken glass from the floral section at Michael’s and the plants are sculpy. The fish are pieces of twine that I coated in mod podge, then folded over on themselves and added a dot of stickles to. Then I placed the things and added resin.

Things I would do differently… Well I would have found a better way to suspend the fish for one. They kept floating to the top which just made it look like a tank full of dead fish. lol. So next time I would either glue the fish to the plants or pour the resin in layers. I would also try to find a better solution for getting rid of the bubbles- maybe a pressure pot? But either way, I had a lot of fun making this!