It finally caught us. We lived in a bubble for almost 2 years, but we relaxed our guard just a teeny bit once the twins were able to get vaccinated. Honestly, we don’t feel awful and I give all the credit for that to the fact that 1. we were able to get vaccinated. 2. we are very lucky. This does mean that we’re back to remote school for the next 10 days and I think I have PTSD from last year. On the (huge) upside, we just found Encanto (which is amazing!!!) so we no longer have to quarantine with Frozen on repeat. lol.
But enough with the serious talk; let’s take a look at the goals from January!
- Staff Development Hours. Well, I didn’t finish, but I did make some progress! I got 9 hours done this month and I have 16 to go.
- Declutter. Nope. But our floor is much cleaner now thanks to our newest family member (more on that later.)
- Walk twice a week. Honestly, I didn’t make much progress with this one.
- Family Dinner. ::sigh:: I didn’t cook any dinners, but RaptorDad really stepped up and we’ve been doing better about eating as a family.
- Family meeting. We actually made this happen for 2 weeks! lol. It was actually really useful to sit down and look at the upcoming events for the week. I want to try and do this more.
- Smitten Quilt. Yes! Finally a goal that I made some progress on! I actually have 14 blocks done now. And I put them up on my design wall with some construction paper stand ins so that I can get an idea of the layout. Spoiler alert: it looks amazing!
- Scrap. I didn’t get any scrapbook pages done, but I did get 15 (!!!) Project Life layouts done. 2020 is officially done. And I made some decent progress on 2021 in addition to getting my 2022 book set up. Also, I know I ::said:: that I was going to do Project Life monthly instead of weekly, but I changed my mind. lol.
- Cookie Season. My mom’s are amazing! Mia and Kate’s personal cookies are done and the moms split up the remaining troop cookies to sell. I was so worried about having enough money in the bank before the first council withdrawal, but they were absolute rockstars and we have plenty deposited. Yay! I have a few girls in the troop still selling but I’m no longer worried about it. 🙂
- Clean Scrap Desk. Nope. Although I did make some progress.
- Draft New Art Room. Didn’t get this one done either. Oh well. lol.
Now about that new family member… Meet Tesla! No, not the car. We named the car Eleanor. lol.

The kids have been begging for a dog and we finally caved. Tesla is about 6 months old and we got him from the same poodle rescue that we got Ninja at. He came with the name and, despite my best efforts, the kids refused to let me rename him. lol. He’s so much bigger than any dog I’ve ever had! He’s meant to be a mini, but RaptorDad said that his paperwork listed one of his parents as a standard. EEEPPP! Oh well. He is seriously the sweetest and we are all already in love.
February Goals? Yes please!
- I *have* to finish my staff development hours. Like for real for real.
- Valentine’s Day. My Valentine’s Day decoration box disappeared! Guess I’ll have to make some new stuff. lol.
- Smitten Quilt. I’d love to finish 8 more blocks.
- Felting. Oh my gosh. RaptorDad and I have fallen down the felting rabbit hole. I ordered a bunch of wool balls and I want to felt a bunch of hearts to string up with them. Should be so cute!
- Project Life. I’d like to finish May 2021 (4) and January 2022 (2). Oh, and maybe a few current spreads from February 2022?
- Advent Calendar. OK. I found the cutest freaking stocking that I want to make for myself. Oh, and of course now I need to make Tesla a stocking. What does that mean? It means I have to finish the advent calendar! So I’d like to finish the numbers and do 4 more toys by the end of the month.
- Spring Break Plan. I want to go somewhere!!!
- Ice Cream Soda. Finish current round (2 blocks) and cut more papers for next round.
- Butterfly and Caterpillar Quilts. Prep Binding and labels! These 2 are actually AT THE QUILTERS!
- Survive virtual school.