After 2 years of working on them, I am delighted to say that Mia’s Butterfly Quilt and Xander’s Caterpillar Quilt are done! Well, the tops are done. lol. They still need to be quilted, but this still feels like amazing progress.

I came up with the design for Mia’s first. She loves butterflies so it seemed like a natural choice. And for years whenever she saw me working on anything else she would sign “butterfly” in a disapproving way. lol. I showed her the finished quilt top and she just stared at it delightedly.

Since Mia and Xander share a room, I wanted to come up with a coordinating design for Xander. Thus the caterpillar quilt was born! Of course, then I needed additional blocks to make the pattern work, so I decided to add fruit blocks. I don’t know if you can tell, but the number of pieces of fruit matches the number of the row it’s on so there’s 1 apple, 2 cherries, 3 oranges, etc. all the way down to 11 navy blueberries. My friends were endlessly patient as I agonized over blue fruit. lol.
Now I just need to figure out how I want to quilt them and then get that done!