Boy. February was a doozy this year. Maybe I’ll write about it, maybe not. lol. Let’s just say that I’ve decided I’m never moving anywhere where it snows regularly! Still, I got a fair amount done.

- Hexies. It came down to the wire, but I did finish a block last night! 11 more to go!
- Caterpillar Quilt. Well, I didn’t finish the navy fruit blocks, but I did prep the applique for 2 of them and that’s half the battle.
- Project Life. I didn’t *quite* finish this goal, but I came awfully close. I finished January and I only have two weeks left: last week and this week.
- Scrapbooks. I did exactly what I said I wasn’t going to do. lol. I got exactly 1 current layout done, but I finished November 2018, December 2018, and January 2019! I would have gotten more done, but I ran out of white cardstock! Never fear, I ordered a ton and it should get here this week. Then I’ll just need to sit down and do a marathon mixed media background prep day. lol.
- Monthly Kid Adventure. Well, we ended up in an epic apocalyptic “winter weather event” which really put a damper on my plans to take the kids to another state park on our February day off, but I did manage to keep my children alive and fed when we lost power for several days. So, partial credit?
- Monthly Seasonal Celebration. We did decorate some cookies for Valentine’s Day, but to be honest I was phoning it in a bit this month. I didn’t even get out our decorations. But never fear! I have big plans for St Patrick’s Day. lol.
- Homeschool. Xander and I finished the book! He can read now! For real!
- Staff Development. Got my 6 hours done! Which brings my grand total up to 66 hours. Only 84 to go.
- Kid Crafts. This did not happen this month, but that’s ok. We did lots of other fun craft projects.
- Ice Cream Soda Quilt. I finished round 3! And I even prepped round 4! This quilt has been so much fun. 🙂

Which brings us to the March goals…
- Hexies. I’m going to try to get another block done.
- Caterpillar Quilt. Ok. This needs to be put at the top of the list. I want to finish the navy fruit and get the center assembled.
- Project Life. I’d really love to finish February and keep current with March. In a miracle world, I would finish November and December of 2020 too and then be all caught up with Project Life!
- Scrapbooks. Hmm… I think January and February of 2021. And maybe February of 2019? That seems like a good way to approach the gap- like, all of my Valentine’s Day stuff will be out, makes sense to knock out both years. lol. (Stretch goal of February 2020?)
- Monthly Kid Adventure. Should we shoot for 2 state parks this month to catch up? Hmm… We do have spring break coming up this month…
- Monthly Seasonal Celebration. St. Patrick’s Day!
- Staff Development. Maybe I’ll aim for 12 hours this month?
- Windchime Quilt. I have block number 11 all prepped! I’d like to finish it this month.
- Low Volume Log Cabin. I pulled this one out to work on and I’m up to 10 blocks! I think I’m aiming for 24? Either way, I’d like to get 6 more blocks done this month.
- Ice Cream Soda. I’d like to get the grey joining pieces attached for rounds 1 and 2, and finish round 4.