I’ve written about this before, but every November RaptorDad participates in NaNoWriMo. This entails him writing a 50k word novel in 30 days. It’s actually super cool and this will be the 12th year he’s done it. Every year I toy with doing my own NaNoCraftMo where I do something crafty each day and every year I give up. lol. But this year will be different! Maybe. hahahaha.
That said, I am going to set 2 complimentary goals. The first is that I want to have finished 30 scrapbook layouts by the end of the month. That’s basically 1 a day, but I’m going to let it be an average to give myself some flexibility which I think will really help me not to give up if I miss a day. The second is that I will do at least 1 scrappy thing a day. That could be as simple as printing one photo or as complex as finishing a layout or 2. The thought process is that I will at least sit down at the scrap table every day and hope that will translate into getting loads of stuff done.
And as I’m typing this I’m wondering if I should go crazy and try to finish 60 layouts in a month? 2 a day seems doable, but 60 in a month seems insane. Probably I should stick to 30. lol.
And since I’m setting goals anyway, figured it would be a good time to set them for the whole month. Let’s check in with September first.
- September 2020 Project Life. Done!
- November 2019 Project Life. Halfway. I got 2 of the 4 layouts done.
- 5 Old Layouts. I got 3 done.
- Halloween Costumes. I did not have my stuff together enough to make costumes this year, but we ended up ordering costumes for the twins and they were thrilled.
- NaNoCraftMo Plan. Well, I’m coming up with it today and not during October, but I’m still counting it as a win!
- Advent Calendar. Whoops.
- Design and Complete Teal Fruit Block. Nope. But I did start a new quilt. lol. More on that later.
- Fall Break Plans. Yes! We went to a little cabin in the Hill Country and had a lovely time.
- 4 Blocks for Bee Yourself. Yes! I actually got 5 done. 🙂
- Deep Clean 1 Area a Day. Well, I only got 6 areas cleaned not 31, but that’s 6 more than I had done in September!
Here are the Bee Yourself blocks for the month. 🙂

Overall I’m super pleased with the progress on this quilt!
November Goals.
- 30 Scrapbook Pages
- Scrap Every Day
- November 2019 Project Life
- October 2020 Project Life
- December Daily Prep
- Butterfly Embroidery
- Caterpillar Embroidery
- Work on Advent Calendar
- Order Christmas Cards
- Quilt Diamond Quilt