Despite it being nowhere on my goals for the month, I decided to work on my windchime quilt. Lol. What can I say, I’m a rebel. I just love it so much!

I’m really pleased with my progress on this quilt! I have a long way to go, but I am starting to see how it will look which is really exciting. 🙂 The final quilt will have 25 windchime blocks. (Unless I go with the idea I literally just had of doing 16 windchime blocks and adding a border of hexagons… Something to ponder!)

Here’s all 4 together! There’s a smaller flower that goes in the center; maybe I’ll figure that out this week. 🙂 I think it’s meant to be glue basted like a regular EPP piece, but I’m going to use freezer paper and do prepared edge applique instead.
Thus far, every piece of fabric is unique aside from the center circles. I’m trying to decide if I should wait to acquire more fabric so that I can keep each piece unique, or if I should just go ahead and start reusing fabric. Thoughts?