Yay October! I <3 Halloween. 🙂 I actually had a pretty productive September! Let’s take a look.
- Windchime Block. I got the second block done, and I committed to a fabric for the fabric centers and bought it! I have the hardest time making decisions about this sort of thing. lol. I’m loving this project so much. I’ve even got the 3rd block all prepped and ready to EPP.

2. Butterfly Quilt. Well, I didn’t get 10 more butterflies appliqued, but I did get 5 more done bringing my grand total up to 8. I also prepped all of the red, green, and teal butterflies!
3. Caterpillar Quilt. Not only did I finalize the template design, I actually got 2 caterpillars appliqued!
4. Project Life. Not doing so hot on this one. Lol. But I did get 2 weeks done so that’s something.
5. Scrapping. I got July 2018 done!
6. Advent Calendar. I actually did spend one night working on this. 🙂 I need to step it up next month though.
7. Plan Halloween costumes. Xander keeps changing his mind. lol. The current front runner is a vampire bat which would actually be pretty easy to accomplish. I’m going to give him about one more week and then I’m going to make him commit. lol.
8. Plan September Girl Scout meetings. Done! And Kate finished her Junior Aide project! And she and her friend finished their Bronze Award project! She’s been working on these 2 projects since last April so I’m super duper thrilled that she (and I!) aren’t stressing about them anymore. Also super duper proud of her for working so hard to earn these!
9. Fall Break. Y’all. I was so focused on all of this Girl Scout stuff (see #8) that I totally dropped the ball on Fall Break. But you know what? THAT’S OK! (Plus, when I went back to recheck the dates, Kate’s fall break is not the same as the twins and I didn’t want them to miss that much school.) Once I finally accepted that Fall Break wasn’t happening this year, I was about 1000% less stressed.
10. Professional Development. So I’m not sure how this works, but apparently when they say that you have to renew your certificate every 5 years, what they really mean is every 6 years? IDK, but I’m going to stop fretting about this for at least another 6 months. lol.
Time for some October Goals!
1. Hexie Super Block #11. This is my Guild UFO for the month and I’m actually glad that I’m being forced to work on it because I really just want to start a new EPP project but I know that is insane. (Holy run on sentence, Batman!) I figured out how to hang them on the wall by my sewing machine which is for sure helping with the motivation. It also helps that I only have 2 more super hexie blocks to finish and then all of the hexies will be basted! Is it insane that I’m vaguely considering trying to finish both blocks this month? Yes! But we’ll just have to see what happens. lol.

2. Windchime Quilt. I would love to finish the 3rd block that I already have all of the prep work done on!
3. Butterfly Quilt. I would like to get a few more fat quarters of oranges and yellows so that I can finish prepping all of the applique. I’d also like to get at least 5 more butterflies done.
4. Caterpillar Quilt. Ditto prep work. I’d also like to get 1 more caterpillar done. And maybe a few more of the 9 patches.
5. Project Life. Dare I say June and July?
- 6. Scrapping. ::sigh:: Maybe August 2018?
7. Advent Calendar. Time to ramp this up. I’d like to get the background done. Is it possible? Maybe?
8. Halloween! I need to actually make the kids’ costumes! I’m actually thinking that I might have Kate make her own as a fall break project…
9. Camping Trip! The Girl Scout insanity continues. lol. We are going camping in October and it will surprise none of you that I am not a camper. Luckily my Co Leader is amazing.
10. Pumpkin Patch Pictures. Actual good ones with my real camera! I might even take the kids to the real legit pumpkin patch over fall break, but the jury is still out on that one.