Alright, I tried the whole 12 months of 12 goals thing because I thought it was a cute framework for the year. But I’m ditching it! lol. Still, let’s see how I did for March.
- Bakes. Well, not a new bake, but I did perfect an old bake! A few months ago I made, arguably, the best oatmeal raisin cookies ever. Admittedly, the bar was low because oatmeal raisin cookies are gross, but still. lol. The problem was the next time I went to make them, I couldn’t remember which recipe I had tweaked! After a few disappointments, I went back to the gold standard, Betty Crocker. Yesss!!! These were the ones. I will tell you that I refuse to use shortening, so instead of half butter, half shortening, I use all butter. This makes the cookies almost lacey and super delicious. To be fair, they also fall apart as you try to pick them up, but the taste makes it worth it! I also do a higher ratio of brown sugar to white sugar because RaptorDad likes cookies better that way. 🙂
- Dinners. Nope.
- Montessori Trays. Big fat fail. Which is extra sad because I even have a bunch of St Patrick stuff already made.
- Feasts. I did better on this one! We made (The World’s Ugliest) King Cake for Mardi Gras along with a delicious gumbo/ etoufee hybrid thing that I made up. Does that count as a new recipe? Hmm… Maybe I did better on my goals than I thought! lol. I also bought the kids a box of Lucky Charms for St Patrick’s Day which blew their minds since I am generally the killjoy mom that doesn’t allow sugary cereal.
- Hexies. I made some progress, but I didn’t actually finish a block. lol. I did start (another!!!) epp project yesterday though! I’m super excited about it. 🙂
- Scrap. I actually did get December 2017 done!
- Project Life. I did get February 2019 done! And September 2018! Look at me go!!! I then decided that I was going to try to do a bulk order for November-January. Still working on that.
- Portraits. Still need to get the bluebonnet pics done, but I actually took some portraits on the beach over spring break. I didn’t manage to get a good one of the three kids together (naturally), but I did get some cute individual pics. 🙂
- Quilting. I actually got a lot done on the unicorn quilt! I didn’t quite finish the top, but I got as much done as I can before me next sewing lesson.
So I decided to get cracking on my Christmas quilt! And I’m loving it! I got all of my half square triangles ready to be sewn together. 🙂
- New Parks. Oh my gosh, y’all. The beach in the spring is amazing! Love love love love love!
- Blogging. I love that I decide to ramp up the blogging and then only manage 2 posts the entire month. lol. Irony!
- Health. Well, I got 10k steps 11/31 days. I was doing great at the beginning of the month. lol. Maybe I’ll try again in April. I also only managed to swim a few times, but I did go swim today!
So… What are my goals for April? I’m glad you asked! lol.
- Project Life. Edit all of the pics to close the gap. So, November, December, January. Also, complete March 2019.
- Scrap. Finish January and February of 2018. I’d also like to scrap our spring break trip while it’s fresh in my mind.
- Sewing. I’m hoping to finish both the unicorn and Christmas quilt tops.
- Hexagons. Finish 1 block.
- Windchime. Finish 1 block.
- Applique. Finish butterflies for Texas Quilt and prep some butterflies for Mia’s quilt.
- Quilting. I’d love to finish machine quilting my charm quilt!
- Bluebonnet Pics. Need to do these soon!!! This weekend at the very latest.
- Art Room Closet. We’ve been reorganizing our house! We’ve added loads more storage and I am loving it. I need to get one more cube thing from Ikea for the art room closet and then I think we’re good!
- Birthday Party. I think I’m in denial that the babies are turning 4 (!!!!!!!) this month!