You guys! I’ve missed you! (All 3 of you. lol.) My blog self destructed back in June and I missed it more than expected. Luckily RaptorDad is the bomb and he got it moved over to a new hosting service and all fixed up. I’m just going to jump in with my (in progress) September goals real quick like, and then get back to scrapping during preschool time. That’s right sports fans, Xander is now going to preschool 2 days a week and it’s been amazing!!!
1. Hexies. I got a bit behind last month so I actually need to do 2 hexie blocks. I’m going to be writing a longer blog post re the hexes a bit later complete with a poll!
2. Piece Quilt Back for Charm Quilt. Actually, I’ve already scrapped this idea. lol. I ordered some backing fabric yesterday because I have too many other ideas to spend time piecing the back of a quilt.
3. Halloween Costume Plan. I’m open to ideas. lol.
4. February Project Life. This is actually done!!! Now I just need to order some more prints.
5. Which brings me to this goal, edit and upload pics for March and April Project Life.
6. Scrap June 2017. Yes, I am that far behind… Le sigh. On the upside, I’ve officially finished this one and it’s on my shelf.
7. Scrap May 2018. This is on my list for this morning!
8. I want to keep the progress going and try to catch up a bit! So I need to edit more pics. Whomp Whomp. I’d like to get July, August, and September 2017 pics uploaded.
9. Stretch Goal is to scrap April 2018. Not sure if that’s possible, but hey, preschool! lol.
10. Make 3 hexie flowers for a super secret Christmas project.