I’ve decided that I’m going to focus on one project a week and then blog about it on Mondays. Surely even I can keep up with once a week blogging. lol. Last week’s project was to finish up Kate’s final daisy journey! I don’t really have any pics, but I’m embracing imperfection around here today.
Initially I thought we were going to work on it this summer, but her leader decided to have them bridge up to Brownies in May instead of September. Works for me! Now we have longer to play with the retired try-its I’ve been buying. This did mean that we needed to kick it into high gear with our final journey though. We did Between Earth and Sky which was about environmentalism and communicating your feelings. Seemed like an odd combo to me, but whatever. We pretty much followed it as written with the exception of the nature hikes. We went on 2 or 3, but it’s been kind of rainy around here so we did some scavenger hunting in the fruit and veggie drawer for some of them.
For our Take Action Project, we went with one of the ideas from the River Valleys site. (They’re an awesome resource by the way.) She made a Water Conservation poster and then she taught our First Sunday Girls’ Breakfast Club (that would be my mom, my sister, and my grandmother) all about water conservation. Then everyone picked one specific way to try and conserve water.
We had a lot of fun doing these! I know there is a lot of hate for the journeys, but I don’t mind them. No lie, I’m pretty excited that she’s going to be doing the Brownie ones with her troop and she and I can focus on the retired try-its which seem easier to manage and more clear cut on the requirements, but I’m glad that she pushed me to do them with her. And she was ridiculously proud when I pinned her summit pin on her.
As soon as we finished she asked when she could start on her gold award. lol. She was not pleased when I told her she had to be in high school! I think I may have created a monster. 🙂 But truly, I hope she is always this enthusiastic about her goals.
Now to pick a project for this week…