Raptor thought this was just about the coolest thing ever. I gave her a can of shaving cream and she went to town playing with it in her water table.
Have you ever played with a can of shaving cream? It just feels neat!
We were having so much fun (and it was so hot) that we decided to fill up her baby pool too.
RaptorDad gave her a shaving cream hat. lol.
Incidentally, I have a little summer time photo tip. Baby pools make great colorful backgrounds!
That sounds so dumb, but I love the way she “pops” against the blue pool.
And this one? Love. I *may* have skipped ahead (by 24 weeks) and created a title card for my 2014 week 23 Project Life spread using this picture.
TL;DR? Go to the dollar store and buy a can of shaving cream. Your kids will love it. 🙂