You guys get a bonus post today! Last night, I couldn’t sleep because I had all of these awesome Thanksgiving crafty projects running through my head. (That’s what I get for looking at Pinterest after work.) What’s a girl to do except bust out the felt and go with it? 🙂
I finished up his little face this morning. Kate loves it! You don’t get a picture tutorial because there’s only so much I can fix in post when I’m crafting in the dark at 1AM. That and operating the camera in a Benadryl fog seemed like a bad idea at the time. lol. It was super simple to make though. I made a template out of some product packaging and cut out 6 feathers. Then I traced a plate for the body and cut it out. I found some old buttons in my scrapping stash and stitched them on and then cut little slits in the feathers for button holes.
I just freehanded the body and feet. I ran a sharpie along the edge of the head/ neck to outline it since I only had 1 color of brown felt. This project probably took about an hour and a half all told and it was super simple. Inspiration comes from My Montessori Journey by way of Pink and Green Mama.
ETA: Y’all, another blog featured this post! Squee!!! Go check it out.