It should come as no surprise to those of you who know me that I love tutus. I was searching for costumes with tutus when I came across this adorable Little Red Riding Hood costume. Initially, I tried to recreate it exactly huge tutu and all. I bought 11 yards of tule trying to recreate it and it ended up looking ridiculous. I suspect that the original is some kind of sewn tutu and I only know how to make tied tutus which end up a lot poofier. (Note to self: research sewn tutus before next year.)
So I scrapped the tutu and decided to use an existing red dress as the base of her costume. I made a red cloak and an apron and then put her in her boots.
Michael and I decided that our Little Red could take care of herself so he modded a nerf gun. He painted some wolves on the gun a la WWII fighter pilots so I decided to add one to her apron. I think it turned out super cute!