I made another set of felt letters for a friend of mine a few weeks ago, but I haven’t gotten around to blogging about them yet. Here’s a tutorial I did on how to make them.
I actually “made up” a new embroidery stitch. I say made up because I am quite sure that I am not the first person to come up with the idea. 🙂 You can see it on the B and the R. I really like it.
For the numbers, I put the same number of stars as the number. (So 6 had 6 stars.)
It’s not too soon to think of Christmas. 🙂 I can probably only finish 2 or 3 sets in time for Santa to drop them off. Those elves are just not as quick as they used to be. If you would like a set, leave a comment or email me at highfiberfoods@gmail.com. They are $2 per character.