First off, Michael pointed out to me that the thank you notes were totally his idea and that’s why he was having her do handprints in the first place. Whoops. I guess great minds think alike.
On to today’s post. Now, I realize that there is really nothing handmade about this activity, but it’s one of Kate’s favorite things so I thought I would showcase it here. A few months ago we got her a wooden bead set by Haba. (Incidentally, I love all things Haba.) I thought that she would be too young for it just yet, but man has she proved me wrong.
I love how she gets this look of intense concentration when she’s threading the beads. She chooses to play with this everyday. She can’t do the big animal beads quite yet, but she totally rocks the other ones.
This activity works *way* better at her little table than at the high chair because her little table has a lip that runs along the edge. Also, we were all happier once I tied a bead to the end of the string so that they weren’t all falling off the bottom all the time. Duh.