
No lie, this month has been bananas, but I still managed to accomplish a few things.

  1. Cryptozoology Quilt. I’ve ignored this all month.
  2. Social Story. I found one FOR FREE and it was amazing. Mia read it a hundred million times and it helped a ton.
  3. Hexagons. I entered them! Now I just need to figure out how to add a sleeve to the back.
  4. Valentine’s. Done!
  5. Project Life. I closed a gap! And finished off the first 2 Ali kits I got- October and November stories by the month. I also got 3/4 January 2025 layouts done and I’ve printed the pictures for week 4. I think I have 5 more weeks from the summer and 3 weeks from December? Not too shabby!
  6. Garden. Not much happening here, but I’m dreaming of jam!
  7. Wreath. I only got one flower crocheted, but it was super cute!
  8. March Bins. Done! And they are super cute and Mia loves them!
  9. Windchime Quilt. Didn’t get much done on this, but it’s still making me happy to look at. πŸ™‚
  10. Compost. lol. I didn’t even look at this.

March Goals.

  1. Finish piecing F*CK quilt. I’m 5/8 of the way done right now. Then I can move on to the next part which is figuring out how to print the embroidery stencil to scale…
  2. Finish piecing strawberry quilt. I’ve tabled the chocolate strawberry for now in favor of a heart. I might pull this idea back out later for a future iteration of the quilt.
  3. April Bins. This is usually where I fall off on the seasonal decorating and the montessori bins so I’m hoping to get a jump start on them this year. Easter themed? Vet themed? To be decided.
  4. Project Life 2025. I’d love to do January (1 week) and February (4 weeks). I also need to figure out where I can order more page protectors as it appears that Becky Higgins has stopped manufacturing them.
  5. Project Life 2025. I signed up for Ali’s new kit and I’m hoping to use it to fill in the gap from this summer. I figured out how to access the classroom and I’m pumped! Now I just need to print some pictures.
  6. April Break. I just signed RaptorTwin2 (who asked that I not use his name) up for a morning art camp with his friend. I’d love to plan an intentional “mommy camp” for Mia too!
  7. Clean up Library. Oh boy, might need a shovel. But my bestie is coming up next week so I’m highly motivated!
  8. Hexagons. I need to figure out the binding.
  9. Summer Plans. I need to loosely map out camps/ trips/ visitors and see where we are.
  10. I asked RaptorTwin2 what the 10th goal should be and he said I should work on my dollhouse. Maybe I’ll work on my books!

February Time!

I have 10 minutes until the kids get off the bus, so let’s get right to it, shall we?

January Goals

  1. Ankle. I never did get my podiatry referral resent, but the PT is actually helping! My friend, the bump, is still hanging around, but the swelling has actually gone down a teeny bit and it’s hurting considerably less. Yay!
  2. Hearts. Done! I’m so happy with how it turned out!
  3. Monthly Theme. I didn’t add much for January aside from the sensory bin, but I found a fun printable pack on TPT that included 9 or 10 different themes- one of which was Cupid’s Corner- an adorable little post office for Valentine’s Day! I got that all printed out and laminated and Mia is delighted! Even Xander checked it out!
  4. Project Life. I got 1 week done from October 2024 (leaving me with 10 weeks to go) and 2 (3?) weeks of January 2025 done. Feeling pretty good about that. πŸ™‚
  5. Meal Plan. RaptorDad said that help with laundry would be way more useful than help with meals, so I’ve been trying to help with that. Fingers crossed. lol.
  6. Smitten Quilt. I didn’t get a darn thing done on this. And I’m fine with that!
  7. Family Game Night. Going great! OG Raptor (Kate) is reading over my shoulder and she disagrees, but I think we’re doing pretty good. We played Ticket to Ride multiple times and lived to tell the tale!
  8. Winter Bucket List. Didn’t happen.
  9. Planner. A bit hit or miss, but I’m trying.
  10. Make Bed. I think this happened twice. lol.

February Goals.

  1. Cryptozoology Quilt. I need to baste this. I actually tried, but I did a terrible job so I need to take all of the safety pins out and try again.
  2. Social Story. I want to make a social story for Mia about our upcoming flights.
  3. Hexagons. I’m going to enter them into the Maine Quilt Show! This happens in February so I need to figure out how to do it.
  4. Valentine’s. Need to figure help the kids with these.
  5. Project Life. Fingers crossed I can get January 2025 done, 2 or 3 weeks of February 2025 done, and make some progress closing the gaps in 2024.
  6. Garden. I want to have a plan for what I’m growing this year, and think about where I’m growing it.
  7. Wreath. I’m making a new Valentine’s Day wreath! I think it’s going to be super cute. I wrapped some yarn around a wreath form and now I’m crocheting some flowers for it. Fingers crossed!
  8. March Bins. I’d love to print out and organize the stuff for the March montesorri bins this month so that I’m a month ahead!
  9. Windchime Quilt. I’m reminded why I love this one! Finished up one block and started another. I’d love to finish it and get another one basted!
  10. Compost? I feel this pull to compost, but I am afraid of bugs so bad and the last time we tried in Texas it was a nightmare. I need to do some research about this.

This month was oddly productive. In addition to quilting progress, I finally made cinnamon rolls! I’ve been afraid of them for ages, but I’m so glad I finally gave them a try. Delish!

Happy New Year!

It’s time for my annual yearly round up and goals.


  1. Advent Calendar. Done! Or at least all of the toys are done. I have a teeny bit of trim to finish, but we used it this year and the kids loved it!
  2. Christmas Shopping. Done!
  3. Heart Quilt. Binding is done and attached. Now I just need to turn it to the back and stitch it down.
  4. Hexagons. Done!!! OMG! It’s done!
  5. Project Life. I did get one layout done!
  6. Make Jam. Done!
  7. Meal Plan. Still a work in progress, but I have high hopes!
  8. Boston Trip. Done and it was amazing! We were so thrilled with everything about the visit!
  9. Set goals for 2025. Sort of? lol.
  10. Blag 2024 wrap up. Late, but I’m doing it!

And now for the annual goals.

  1. Reading. I didn’t make any tiny books for the dollhouse, but I’m making a list of books to do. :). I didn’t really read much more of note, but I did read almost every day.
  2. Project Life. I’m actually decently pleased with this one. Considering I did a 12 week long term sub job and a 7 week long term sub job this year, I’m giving myself some grace. The first half of the book is completely done. The second half has a 5 week gap, a 2 week gap, and 3 weeks at the end to go. I hope I can fill in these gaps! This experiment was a huge success. I don’t miss traditional scrapbooking at all! I love only scrappy each picture once. And I love being more caught up. For sure continuing Project Life plus inserts this year!
  3. Scrapbooks. I didn’t even open these this year and I’m fine with that.
  4. Home Projects. We got less done on the house than I would have liked, but we did get the shoe cubbies built and the entryway/ stairwell painted!
  5. Monthly Themes. I didn’t do great with these, but that’s ok! I’m carrying this goal over to the year.
  6. Hexagons. They are done! I repeat, the hexagons are done!
  7. Quilt. I got 2 out of the 3 on my list finished! And the third is so close. πŸ™‚
  8. Game Night. I need to be better about this, but I honestly think we probably did manage 12 game nights. We are teaching Xander and Kate to play spades!
  9. New Friends. Wow. I feel like I knocked this goal out of the park! Our street is amazing and I met so many awesome people while I was subbing!
  10. Explore Maine. Let’s see, we didn’t knock out as many places during the second half of the year, but we did go apple picking, my mom and I checked out the Colby Art Museum, I took a trip to Texas by myself, and my mom and I went hikig at Quarry Road.

Which brings us to 2025. I’m going to try something new called 5 by 5 in 2025. SO I identified 5 areas I want to work on and then I’m hoping to accomplish 5 goals in each area.

  1. Quilts! I want to finish 5 quilts this year! Not sure which 5 they will be, but I’m thinking the hearts will be first! I’m going to try to inventory/ organize all of my WsIP this week. Perhaps I’ll blog about it?
  2. General Craftiness. Same idea here, I want to finish 5 projects. I’m hoping that at least 2 of them are Bucilla stockings! I’m also hoping to finish Project Life 2024 and keep current with 2025.
  3. Adulting. lol. Ideas here include meal planning, summer school plans for Mia, and planting a garden!
  4. Holiday Magic. I want to have seasonal tubs that are organized and clearly labeled in the basement. I’d also really love to have some Montessori style activities for Mia each month. The good news is that I saved some stuff from last year so once I’m done with this blog post I’m going to work on switching out Mia’s sensory bin. πŸ™‚
  5. Go. See. Do. My main quantifiable goal here is that I want to try to have the kids facetime with someone once a week. Also want to start planning Kate’s graduation trip- we’ve decided on NYC! And (long term) planning for Australia with my mom!

So January Goals?

  1. Ankle. I have a bone spur on my ankle and I’m trying to get it fixed. I need to do my PT homework every day, plus I need to reach out to my dr and have her resend my podiatry referral.
  2. Hearts. I want to finish my heart quilt! I’m so close! I’d love to finish it in time for show and tell at my January quilt meeting. Then I can take it to Texas in February and give it to my grandmother!
  3. Monthly Theme. I need to get Christmas packed away and pull out Mia’s January sensory bin. I’d love to add a few more things as well!
  4. Project Life. I’d love to finish December 2024 and get a few weeks done for January 2025.
  5. Meal Plan. I think my initial goal for January is going to be to make dinner on each night that I’m not subbing. Tonight’s menu is turkey noodle soup with homemade bone broth. I’m thinking about baking some bread to go with it!
  6. Smitten Quilt. I’ve decided how to do the backing. I’m making 5 log cabins to go down the middle of the backing and I think it’s going to look so cool! I’d love to finish the log cabins (I have 2 done as of this morning) and piece the backing. Stretch goal to get it basted?
  7. Family Game Night! I want us to start having a family game night again. Maybe Thursdays? lol. So then I need an activity for tonight. hahahaha. I DM’d a one shot last night and it was actually quite fun, but I don’t think I’m up for DM’ing DND every week. Maybe we’ll alternate? So this week would be a game… Obviously much to ponder here.
  8. Winter Bucket List. Maybe this should be our family activity this week?
  9. Planner. I want to be more intentional about using my planner. I’d also love to get back to Sunday weekly meetings!
  10. Make Bed. This one is unlikely to happen, but I’m hoping I’ll be more motivated now that the hexies are done!

And now enough stalling. The kids went back to school today and it’s time to whip this house back into shape!

OMG It’s December

And as per usz, I’m late. lol

November Goals

  1. Keep up with printing pictures. Nope.
  2. Plan Thanksgiving. Done!
  3. Advent Calendar. I’m so dang close.
  4. Advent Activity Calendar. hahahaha
  5. Decorate for Christmas. Well, it didn’t happen the day after Thanksgiving, but we did get it decorated! Pink tree for the win!
  6. Heart Quilt. I got the quilting done! Then I decided to add a bit of hand quilting, but that’s also almost done. Now just need to bind it!
  7. Survive sub job. Working on it!
  8. Survive. check.
  9. Survive. check.
  10. Survive. check?

I also finally got my low volume log cabin quilt finished!

December Goals

  1. Advent Calendar. So close!
  2. Christmas Shopping. Omg. I haven’t even started.
  3. Heart Quilt. I really want to bind this before the end of the year.
  4. Hexagons. I’m so close and I want to finish this before the end of the year so badly!
  5. Project Life. The last day of my sub job is January 20, so I’m hoping for a big push to get some layouts done for the second half of my 2024 album. πŸ™‚
  6. Make Jam. I’m thinking I might give jam out as teacher/ neighbor gifts? I have a bunch of frozen blackberries.
  7. Meal Plan plan. I’ve decided that in January I’m going to attempt to take over grocery shopping and cooking. Since I’ve been working full time, we’ve just been ordering groceries and that’s getting pretty pricey. I hate cooking dinner because 1. I’m not a very good cook, 2. I’m over making decisions by dinner time. I’m hoping that a legit meal plan helps with this? Wish me luck!
  8. Boston Trip. OMG it’s today! We finally got our appointment with Boston Children’s for Mia and I can’t wait.
  9. Set goals for 2025.
  10. Blog 2024 wrap up!

Gobble Gobble

What’s up November. Not sure how much of a point there is to doing goals this late in the month, but it seems weird not to . lol.

October Goals

  1. Advent Calendar. Only 3 to go!
  2. Project Life. I made some progress, but then I took another long term sub job that’s going to keep me busy until Christmas Break.
  3. Hexies. I did work on these a bit! Then I cleaned up the living room and lost my thread again. whoops!
  4. Africa Scrapbook. Nope.
  5. Sensory Bin. I didn’t give her a whole new one, but I did refresh her lentel one and she’s been enjoying that quite a bit.
  6. Cryptozoology Quilt. The top is done!
  7. Bind Log Cabin. Nope
  8. Halloween Costumes. Halloween was a success!
  9. Kid Crafts. Not too much, but we did paint some pumpkins. πŸ™‚
  10. Wreath. Maybe next year.

November Goals.

  1. Keep up with printing pictures
  2. Plan Thanksgiving
  3. Advent Calendar
  4. Advent Activity Calendar
  5. Decorate for Christmas (the day after Thanksgiving!)
  6. Heart Quilt. Need to finish quilting this and get it bound.
  7. Survive sub job
  8. Survive
  9. Survive
  10. Survive

Northern Lights!

OMG, the northern lights have been on my bucket list, but I didn’t think I’d ever be able to see them without going above the Artic circle (literally). Y’all! We’ve seen them twice now on our freaking street!

The colors were not this bright in reality, but we could legit see them with the naked eye! I didn’t even attempt to get my big girl camera set up; these are all just taken with my iPhone. I didn’t even edit them! lol

Hello October!

I love Halloween y’all! Let’s set some goals for the month, shall we? But first, how’s we do in September…

  1. Plan for Trip. Done! And it was amazing. I forgot how easy it is to travel domestically by yourself.
  2. Advent Calendar. Nope.
  3. Beach. Also nope. But I did have a lovely day in my craft room instead. πŸ™‚
  4. Subbing. I haven’t updated my availability yet, but that hasn’t stopped them from calling me! lol
  5. Project Life. First half is done! And I’m actually really happy with it.
  6. Prep the Steps. This one is going to have to take a backseat for a while, but I did decide on all of the colors so I’m ready. πŸ™‚
  7. Hexies. I’m not done, but I’m getting closer. πŸ™‚
  8. Wind Bobbins. Ugh. Still haven’t done this.
  9. Africa Scrapbook. I made some progress on this and I’m so happy!
  10. Sensory Bin. Nope.

How about October…

  1. Advent Calendar. It’s crunch time people.
  2. Project Life. I’m about out of photo paper (again lol) but I’m hoping to catch up! I think I have 9 weeks to do to make that happen.
  3. Hexies. I’m not setting a specific goal, but I’d like to work on these some more.
  4. Africa Scrapbook. I want to make some progress on this! I need to troubleshoot my big printer so I can keep moving forward. πŸ™‚
  5. Sensory Bin. I’ve got to clean up Mia’s desk area and make her a new sensory bin.
  6. Cryptozoology Quilt. I need to wind the bobbins and finish this puppy up!
  7. Bind Log Cabin Quilt. Ugh. I just need to put on my big girl panties and get this bad boy done!
  8. Halloween Costumes. Need to help the kids figure these out.
  9. Kid Crafts. I want to find a few cute craft projects to do with the kids.
  10. Wreath? I have a super cute idea for a Halloween wreath. Jury is still out on whether or not I can execute said idea. hahahahaha

And there you have it! And only 4 days late. lol

It’s Fall Y’all!

Oh my gosh, fall is officially here in New England and it is lovely! The kidlets went back to school this year and I am slowly working on putting the house back into some kind of order after the summer. :). With that said, let’s look at goals.

August Goals

  1. Advent Calendar. I actually worked on this! It’s a Christmas miracle! I got 5 ornaments done this month and I only have 5 left to go. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
  2. Project Life. Well, I didn’t get anything done on August, but I did finish April and May!
  3. Cryptozoology Quilt. Welp, I was almost done and then I ran out of bobbin thread.
  4. Low Volume Log Cabin. I didn’t get the binding done on this, but I am going to Texas this month for a short visit and I’m hoping to ask my grandmother for advice. πŸ™‚
  5. Adventure Time. lol. Nope. But Xander and I did go on an adventure to Acadia and that was quite fun.
  6. School Scrapbooks. Done! I am so stinking happy that we have managed to keep up with the tradition through the years. πŸ™‚
  7. Beach. Didn’t make it to the sandy beach, but we did take a trip out to Owl’s Head! So I guess we did 2 adventures. πŸ™‚
  8. Seasonal Decorating. We’ve officially moved onto fall decorating. lol.
  9. Planner. Yes! RaptorDad and I are having a weekly meeting on Sundays to set priorities for the week, It’s helping me so much!!!
  10. Meal Plans. As predicted, I did nothing. hahahaha

September Goals.

  1. Plan for Trip. I’d like to have little letters or something ready for the kids each day while I’m gone.
  2. Advent Calendar. I want to finish!!!
  3. Beach. This is a must. I’m thinking next week.
  4. Subbing. It’s only the first week of school, but I need to go in and update my subbing availability for this year.
  5. Project Life. I’d love to get June done and then the entire first half of the year will be done! I’m thinking that since I’m adding so many inserts, I’m going to split the year across 2 books.
  6. Prep the steps. I’m working on revamping our stairs and the next step is to prep the risers.
  7. Hexies. I’ve been working on the hand quilting in the evenings and I’d really love to wrap this puppy up! I want to start on a new project. lol.
  8. Wind Bobbins. I hate doing this so much which is why I haven’t sewn anything for weeks. I’m thinking I should follow my grandmother’s advice and actually wind a bunch of them up in advance.
  9. Africa Scrapbook. I’d like to get 2 more days of photos culled.
  10. Sensory Bin. I’d love to refresh the sonsory bin. πŸ™‚

2024 Annual Goals Update

Figured we’re a little more than halfway through the year so I figured I’d check on my annual goals.

  1. Books. Well, I’m still reading a ton of trash, but I have managed a few real books. So I have Words of Radiance and Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. Myka and I are listening to them in the evenings while we craft. I also read the entire Court of Thorns and Roses series. So freaking good! I think I will attempt to craft the box set for the dollhouse. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was also fantastic. Looks like I need to search for some new genres! I want to read Spare so I think I’m going to see if I can find it at the library. Any other suggestions?
  2. Project Life. I’m doing better than expected on this one! I have the first 17 weeks done and that includes any additional inserts so I’m considering these pics scrapped as well. Really need to do some quick catch up!
  3. Scrapbooks. Honestly haven’t even looked at these and I’m ok with that.
  4. Home Projects. Well, we did manage to build some cubbies for shoe storage. It’s not quite what I was hoping for, but they are working!
  5. Monthly Theme. I did pretty good for the first 4 months, but then my long term sub job started and this project got set aside. Hoping to bring it back this fall!
  6. Hexagons. The quilt is stabilized and bound! I repeat, the quilt is stabilized and bound! Still loads of quilting to go, but I’m making some progress at least.
  7. Quilts. I did make some progress on the Log Cabin quilt. πŸ™‚
  8. Game Night. So we’re not doing anything regular, but we have been having a fun time with some new board games.
  9. New Friends. Subbing definitely helped!
  10. Explore Maine. Hmm… New places include: Rockland/ Owl’s Head, Acadia, West Quoddy Lighthouse, Portland Children’s Museum, Moosehead Lake (Eclipse Trip!)… That’s actually not bad! I’m pretty impressed with myself.

How is it August Already?!?

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe that it is already August! We are now in the homestretch of summer where we have absolutely nothing planned. And I am thrilled! We had an amazing June and July seeing friends and family and now we’re ready for some relaxing. πŸ™‚

July Goals

  1. Finish April 2024. Well, I did get the pics printed so that’s something? Might try and catch up this month.
  2. Strawberry Quilt. I actually did finish a chocolate strawberry block, but I hate it and I’m planning to redo it, so partial credit?
  3. Cryptozoology Quilt. So fun! I finished the blocks and I’m starting to sew them together.
  4. Quilt Show. OMG! So much fun. SO many beautiful quilts!
  5. Low Volume Log Cabin. I finished quilting it! Now I just need to figure out how to bind it…

August Goals.

  1. Advent Calendar. It’s that time of year when I pull out all of the Bucilla projects. First up, advent calendar! I have 10 ornaments to go and then a bit of trim needs to be added. So close I can taste it! Of course, then I have 3 stocking kits ready to go. So a reasonable goal for August? How about 1 ornament a week.
  2. Project Life. I was doing so good… I think I’d like to try and do August in real time while finishing up August and working on May.
  3. Cryptozoology Quilt. I’d like to get the top finished so that I can take it down off of the design wall and put my strawberries back up. πŸ™‚
  4. Low Volume Log Cabin. I think the goal for this month will be to make the binding.
  5. Adventure Time! I’m thinking maybe 1 field trip a week? IDK.
  6. School Scrapbooks. Need to remember to do our interviews on the eve of the first day of school. πŸ™‚ I want to try to get some of the pictures printed too.
  7. Beach. I need to get back to the beach! Maybe I’ll give the sand heart photo thing another go…
  8. Seasonal Decorating? I gave up back in April, but I’d love to get back to this.
  9. Planner. I’d love to be more intentional about utilizing my planner.
  10. Meal plans? Speaking of, I always say I want to do this and then never do. lol.

And look at that! I actually managed to come up with 10 goals. It’s a Christmas miracle!